Friday, September 18, 2009

The Essence of Tolerance

ليس التسامح أن نسمح للآخرين بالحصول على حقوقهم الطبيعية

Tolerance goes far deeper beyond allowing others to enjoy their natural human rights.

Alyaa Gad
بواهاهاهاها!! حللللوة

Gee King
بل أن نكون سعداء عندما يحصلون علي تلك الحقوق

Eman Aly
التسامح هو العفو
عند المقدرة و مغفرة أخطاء الأخرين
إنما السماح للأخرين بالحصول على حقوقهم يسمى عدلا وحق

Ezzat Wagdy
هههههههههها ده قمة التسامح لو الحقوق شرعية

Wael Hlool
خلي التسامح ديدنك وشعارك*****وانثر شعورك بامسية شعرية
والغرب لا دكو مفاعل جارك***** سامح باراك واباما والحرية

Sameh Hanna:
This is Exactally what Manfalouty wrote a century ago.

محمدمحمودصبرى اسماعيل
وليه هو مينتزعش حقه وميستناش العفو والسماح

Mona Gawad
ده للبشر العاديين لكن لما نتكلم عن ناس تحت المستوي الآدمي يبقي الأمل هو بس الحصول علي الحقوق الطبيعية لأن أكترمن كدة بيكون رفاهية
زي بالضبط أيام العبودية و الرق و التفرقة العنصرية انسان بيطلب بس الاعتراف به كانسان و احنا بنعيش العار ده
المشكلة في تعريف الحقوق الطبيعية لأن مثلا عندنا التفكير الي هو حق طبيعي بيعتبر رفاهية ده غير حرية العقيدة
و حتي حرية ممارسة العبادات أو عدم ممارستها

Jomana Farahat:
I read something' somehow in relation to this recently:

"I have never liked the word tolerance. It always implies that somehow we disapprove of somebody's ethnic background or religion, but we put up with it, usually under duress. It is almost like saying, "I hate what you believe in, but I have to put up with it, the government told me to," when really you would like nothing more than to see the back of them."

" Tolerance has nothing to do with compassion. Tolerance places you above the person you are being tolerant to, do you understand? It places you as a powerful superior, and it is only by your good grace you allow them to exist at all!

In my mind, we have to take this word out of the dictionary if we are to progress as a species. We must accept all who we meet as brothers, for they are. We are forged from the same steel. We are one with them, what does it matter if they speak a different language, believe in different gods, eat different foods, and have different skin colours? We are all part of the whole, the indivisible. There is nothing else. You will see this when you gain more insight.

So instead of "tolerating" people, we must embrace them (not physically, although you can if you like!).

Nachoua Ihab:
Ya Joujie, u made think back the word tolerance ! Actually, it's definitely true that it places u above the person tolerated.. Yess. Only now i can realize it. And the same with the arabic equivalent, tasamo7, it drives from sama7a, yosame7, as in forgiveness.. Meaning u are forgiving the person tolerated !!!!!!!! Forgiving him for being what he is... Read More

Jomana Farahat:
Same thing exactly happened to me when I read these words for the first time ya Nouche. It is the writer's opinion, but it did change the way I look at the word tolerance.

Wael Nawara:
This is where the misconception is - Tolerance indeed comes from a position of a "Higher Moral Ground" - this position is attained when our rights are infringed and we exercise tolerance and forgiveness with those who stepped on our toes - this has nothing to do with allowing others to having their natural rights.

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