Saturday, January 20, 2024

Netanyahu: You Don't Like the 2-State Solution, Welcome to the One-State de facto Reality and the Inevitable End to the Apartheid Regime!


Where is the congress to condemn "from the river to the sea"!

Honestly, no surprise there.
The spoiler came years ago.
Israel has created a de factor one state from the river to the sea decades ago.
Netanyahu, and most of his predecessors, have done everything possible to sabotage the peace process with the Palestinians.
They feel that their settler colonialist project will only succeed by completing the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine from Palestinians, using variety of tactics, including killing and genocidal massacres to scare people and drive them to "voluntary" transfer (= wink wink - ethnic cleansing).
But guess what.
They don't like the 2-State solution?
Israel will end up with the One-State solution, where all Palestinians and Israelis will have the same equal rights, no supremacist race or ethno-state.
Because Apartheid will fail and its walls will fall. Both physically and ideologically. The world has seen this too many times already.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Educide: Occupation is Trying to Amputate Gaza's Brain and Kill its Soul

Demonstrating its malicious intent to make Gaza unlivable, by destroying universities, hospitals, bakeries, mills, residential buildings, and killing professors, artists, journalists, doctors, etc., Israel is trying to amputate Gaza's brain and kill its soul. The world must respond.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

How the US is Leading Israel towards Disaster through Blind Unconditional Support

Mr. Zakaria,

You're missing the point.
"Friends" of Israel are leading her to a path of national suicide. By providing impunity, and by denying the rights of Palestinians for 76 years, Israelis must come to the conclusion that they are right. But since they are NOT, as certified by hundreds of UN resolutions - since they continue to occupy, oppress, dispossess, ethnically cleanse and murder Palestinians, while stealing their land and water, humiliating them, caging them in an apartheid regime, denying them citizenship or rights, erasing their history and pretending that they don't exist and had never existed.
Now, if you were a Palestinian under these deplorable conditions, you would resist and revolt. Come what may. Israel has only one response, more violence, killing, demolition and dispossession. In the words of Soffer, Israeli demographer and geostrategist:
"We have to kill and kill and kill, all day, everyday."
In the "Mowing the lawn" practice, every round of pogroms brings more death and destruction than the last, until there will come a point, where the whole world will rise, unable to tolerate the slaughterhouse any more.
Inside Israel, people are led to believe that Palestinians are terrorists who love violence and hate Jews more than they love their children. No mention of Nakba or Palestinian land and lives stolen. No apology or attempts for reconciliation. So, many Israelis cheer and ask for more and more killing of Palestinians and now demand genocide. The progressives demand ethnic cleansing as used starting 1948 and thereafter.
This spiral has one end. It's like being on a runaway train going downhill. The end is not goin to be pretty for anyone including friends and even bystanders.
What can be done now?
Try to stop the runaway train if you dare to and reverse course.
Arms embargo. No-fly zone. Sanctions. Full accountability. Arbitrated (not negotiated) settlement imposed. Let's just hope that train can be stopped.

In response to:

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Lawyering at ICJ

Lawyering is lawyering.

However, my hope is this (and I'm no expert nor a lawyer):
For indication of provisional measures, the bar is far lower than judging on the merits. It's only needed to establish that there's a plausible risk of genocide if the current pattern of actions continues, even if they are not intended to achieve this particular end.
To effectively reduce the likelihood of genocidal irreparable damage, a cessation of hostilities must immediately be put into effect to allow essentials of life:
* Food and water "distribution" and not just delivery
* Electricity
* Shelter in the winter
* Access to medications and medical supplies and equipment
* Healthcare services
* First respondent services
* Relief efforts and access to support from international organizations
* Fact-finding missions for the purpose of how to prevent or reduce the risks of high rate of fatalities - and I'm not even mentioning evidence for the case.
So, in my humble judgment, it is practically extremely unlikely for the court to find that provisional measures are not indicated while maintaining ANY SHRED of credibility.
Since I'm not an expert nor a lawyer, the court probably realizes that many members of the public, watching in disbelief for the last 100 days how the events have horrifically unfolded, will probably reach the same conclusions and hence, it becomes extremely difficult for the court to disavow logic.
Moreover, the preemptive judgment from the US, Britain and Germany Administrations, may in fact work against their intent, if their intent was indeed malicious. The court should be offended, that pre-judgment comes with such certainty while the court hasn't even heard, let alone deliberated on, the case.
Saying that this prejudgment came after reading the 84-page submission of South Africa is ludicrous, because South Africa introduced new evidence in its statements and Israel also introduced defense which was not known beforehand.
So, in summary, the arrogant manner in which "politicians", some are already in disrepute, dismissed the case as meritless, sounded like dismissing the court itself, rather than the case; and judging for it, not even on its behalf, because the court didn't seek assistance or consultation, as far as the public knows anyway.
If I were one of those 15 or 17 judges, I will take extreme offence in this alone. But hey, I'm not.

In response to:

Sunday, January 07, 2024

A Song for Shady and the Children of Gaza


Western Media Pundits Continue to Say that Gaza was not Occupied before Oct 7, 2023. They ARE WRONG

The show host @seanhannity from @FoxNews is unaware of the facts. Gaza has continued to be under occupation even after the unilateral disengagement as per International Organizations:


A.   Israel Will Retain Effective Control over the Gaza Strip and Will Therefore Remain the Occupying Power
B.   Israel Will Remain the Occupying Power of the Gaza Strip so long as Israel Retains the Ability to Exercise Authority over the Strip
C.   As an Occupying Power, Israel Must Protect Palestinians and Their Lands

Now: Mr. Hannity is moving to Florida because it is a Free State! Will he accept to live for 57 years under Occupation and Apartheid as the Palestinians have been subjected to?

The Disengagement Plan was Demographically Motivated (IBID, + "It's the Demography Stupid" JPost (Ruthie Blum interviewing Arnon Soffer), where Soffer literally said that Israel will have to kill, kill and kill Palestinians all day every day.

And in 2007 the Geostrategist again said: 'I didn't suggest we kill Palestinians, I only said Israel would 'have to kill them.'

For 18 years, Israel continued to place Gaza under siege, land, air and sea. It even controls the number of calories in food entering Gaza as well as mows the lawn periodically through bombing campaigns and ground assaults. The West Bank is also considered occupied territory since 1967.,in%20much%20of%20the%20territory.

Now, again, would Mr. Hannity, or anyone else, accept to live stateless, with no right to vote, living a precarious life under occupation for 57 years (since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967), or 76 years (since the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine in 1948)?

I really would like an answer.

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