Showing posts with label obamanomics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obamanomics. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Beyond Obama

Democrats Control the
White House, Senate
& House of Representatives:

America Votes for Third Way Policies

We have witnessed a historical liberal victory. A Landslide Majority Victory for the Democrats in the White House, Senate and House of Representatives. This is beyond Obama. Obama is just the symbol of that revolutionary change. This is a new Era for a more liberal America. For a more liberal world. The United States of America has once again proved that it can change. That progress is possible. Last night was your answer. Yes we can. And we will.

In his Victory speech, Obama was sober, full of humility, compassion and determination. Aware of the heavy responsibilities and the dire situation which America and the World has been driven to by 8 years of foolish conservative policies, Obama reached out to the American people from both camps, "for those whose support I must earn, I will be your President, too."

McCain's speech was also indicative of the change to come. McCain must have also realized that the "theories of his GOP party" proved themselves outdated. The ideology of military might and pre-emptive wars was defeated. The fallacy of prosperity trickling down and a market which goes totally unchecked brought catastrophic ends and failed over and over again. That this is a time for more sophisticated policies and not for simplistic or extremist ideologies.

When McCain suspended his campign on September 24th, I think that he was honestly and courageously admitting a fact. I believe it was a personal revelation. Just like that revelation made one month later by Alan Greenspan before the congress. Both men realized that they no longer understood how the real world works. That rigid theories were "flawed" and they failed them. McCain said that "the American people have spoken, and they have poken clearly."
Obama explained that "... the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope."

Despite racial prejudices, the American people elected an African American Obama, for they believed that change of ways, a paradigm shift, was required. They knew exactly what they were voting against. They gave a tremendous majority to the Democrats in the Senate and in the House of Representatives for the same reason. The American people have realized that the failed theories did not work for them. That "a Third Way" must be called in. And their vote last night was the answer to that call.

Congratulations to President-Elect Barack Obama. To VP-Elect Biden. To the American People. To Liberals everywhere. For a fellow liberal will be soon heading the United States of America.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber

جو السباك

طلع مش سباك

وبيكسب ربع مليون دولار في السنة!

أوباما اتهم ماكين بتضليل الناخبين الأمريكيين عندما أوحى أنه (ماكين) يدافع عن جو السباك الغلبان الذي سوف يقع ضحية لسياسات أوباما الضريبية المتعسفة.

جو السباك بطل المناظرة الذي جاء ذكره 13 مرة في المناظرة طلع أصلاً مش سباك ولا يحزنون. طلع كمان اسمه سام. وطلع إنه بيكسب 250 ألف دولار في السنة - يعني حوالي مليون و400 ألف جنيه مصري في السنة.

السياسة الضريبية لأوباما تجعل من يكسبون أكثر من 250 ألف دولار في السنة يخضعون لضريبة 39% بدلاً من المعدل الحالي وهو 36%. ومن الجدير بالذكر أن 5% فقط من دافعي الضرائب يدخلون في هذه الشريحة.

وكان أوباما قد انتقد سياسة التنقيط التي تخفض الضرائب عن المليونيرات والبليونيرات على أمل أن هذا الفائض سوف يملئ الصحن فينقط الصحن بالرخاء على الغلابة والمساكين وقال أن الشعب الأمريكي لم يعد بقادر على تحمل هذه النظرية.

Joe the Plumber is not a Plumber
, his Name is Sam
and he makes $250K a Year

Joe the Plumber

is not Really a Plumber

And He Makes $250,000 a Year !

Get this. Joe the Plumber makes a quarter million dollars a year. He is not actually a licensed plumber. His name is not even Joe!

According to JOHN SEEWER, an Associated Press Writer , Obama accused McCain of misleading the American People over "Joe the Plumber" story. On Thursday in New Hampshire, Obama said McCain was misleading voters by proposing tax plans that favor the rich while criticizing an Obama tax plan that would raise taxes only on people making more than $250,000 a year, just 5 percent of all taxpayers.

"He's trying to suggest that a plumber is the guy he's fighting for," Obama said. "How many plumbers you know that are making a quarter-million dollars a year?"

According to Obama's tax proposal, those earning more than $250,000 per year will pay 39% taxes instead of currently paying 36%.

Obama was recently quoted criticizing the "trickle down" tax policies saying that the American people "can't afford four more years of the economic theory that says that we should be giving more and more to millionaires and billionaires hoping that prosperity will trickle down everyone else."

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