Showing posts with label Arab-Israel- Conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arab-Israel- Conflict. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

NAL & ELDR Joint Statement on Immigration

Joint Statement between

Network of Arab Liberals (NAL) and

European Liberal Democrats Party (ELDR)

Regarding the Issue of Immigration

We, Liberals from Europe and the Arab world,

  • Sharing liberal values of Equality, Respect for Human Rights, Democracy and common humanity;
  • Having realized the shared concerns and the numerous challenges that we face including:
    • continued regional conflicts that threatens our security and well-being and restricts the natural development, prosperity and opportunity;
    • pollution and environmental issues that threatens our well-being and sustainability;
    • educational issues, poverty and economic crisis that threatens social development and individual liberties;
    • xenophobia, extremist forces and lack of inter-cultural dialog that undermines integration and gender equality.

Believe that:

  • Immigration is a natural phenomenon and has contributed to the progress of human civilization especially when globalization has in the last few decades increased mobility across borders;
  • Yet, massive rates of immigration beyond the ability of one society to successfully integrate the new comers, may pose many problems at local levels.

And further believe that effectively facing these challenges requires continued cooperation between both sides on the Mediterranean on the issues of immigration, and have convened in Rabat on 27th March 2010, having deliberated the issues, agreed to the following joint recommendations:

  • Emphasize the importance of protecting the human rights of migrants;
  • Call upon European States to balance between security considerations and issues of development;
  • Cooperation between European and Arab States in order to develop legal channels of immigration and raise awareness amongst prospective immigrants regarding labor market needs, legal, social and cultural issues related to immigration;
  • Call on Arab Countries and other countries of origin to focus on the issues of Development, Education, Democracy and Human Rights creating opportunity and hope for their people;
  • The need to work diligently on the just resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict;
  • Call on the Liberal Parties in Europe and the Arab world to spread liberals values which truly provide lasting solutions for problems related to migration, radicalization and spirit of conflict, giving way to common understanding, tolerance and cooperation;
  • Call on Mediterranean countries to work towards realizing Union for the Mediterranean Initiative and other projects for cooperation and mutual development.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hate-Mongers Panic

Obama Presents a Bold

Vision for Change to Come

Wael Nawara
Posted: June 5, 2009 11:20 AM

Obama Presents a Bold Vision for Change to Come


In his historic address to the Islamic World from Cairo, Obama demonstrated that he is more than a charismatic orator. He proved that he is a sensitive courageous world leader who has a vision for making peace and building a better world. Obama extended a steady hand of friendship to Muslims; with dignity, confidence and yet with sincerity and humility. He presented the challenges of having to jointly work together to build such better world. He recognized sources of tension, recent and historical, but he called for moving beyond the past, ending the viscous cycle of suspicion and discord and called for a new beginning. Obama made it clear that he rejected stereotyping against Muslims but he also expected Muslims to drop their stereotyping of the US as an empire which only seeks its self-interest. He cited the great contributions of Islam to human civilization but reminded Muslims with the great achievements of his own country, the United States of America.

As expected, Obama stressed his commitment to fight extremists and to withdraw from Iraq. He vowed to help Pakistan and Afghanistan economically. Obama, however, said things no other president, American or otherwise, has ever dared to say. For instance he spoke of his dream of ridding the world of nuclear weapons. He invited Hamas, an entity which is still on U.S. list of terrorist organizations, to take responsibility in uniting Palestinian people but demanded that it should desert armed resistance seeking just settlement through peaceful struggle. He also invited Iran for a new beginning without preset conditions, recognizing the negative role which the U.S. had played in overthrowing Mosaddegh's democratically elected government in the 50's.

On the issue of freedom of faith, Obama frankly mentioned the disturbing tendency amongst some Muslims to measure one's own faith by the rejection of another's and called for upholding religious diversity -- whether it is for Maronites in Lebanon or the Christian Copts in Egypt. What his eloquent speech did not say but indirectly implied, is that Muslims must pay more attention to what is being taught at their schools, preached at their mosques and communicated in their media. But the same message of tolerance should in fact also go to keen followers of Orthodox Judaism and Christianity; in Israel, the United States and the rest of the world.
Obama made it clear that the United States will not impose any specific form of democracy on countries of the region, but he affirmed his belief that basic human rights and freedoms are universal. He stressed that the United States will support countries which seek modernization and peaceful democratic transformation. He stressed his commitment to women's rights and listed a number of programs to empower women. He finally addressed the issue of economic cooperation and presented several programs designed to foster a spirit of partnership.

The speech was met with mixed reactions but there was a general consensus that his address was visionary, sincere, frank, fair, balanced and uplifting. He inspired his audience and left the people with hope that change is possible. He did not try to please the audience by only saying things they would like to hear omitting positions or commitments that may be problematic or unpopular. For instance he described U.S. bonds with Israel as unbreakable and accused those who question the Holocaust of being ignorant and hateful. More than 2,500 people present in the domed auditorium interrupted Obama's 55-minute speech thirty times with enthusiastic applauds then finally gave him a stand-up ovation as he was ready to leave the stage. The youth in particular received Obama's address with great enthusiasm. In the middle of the speech one member of the audience shouted, "We love you" and Obama responded spontaneously, "I love you too".

The event, which was co-hosted by Al Azhar and Cairo Universities, was held in the main auditorium of Cairo University. The huge hall which hosts three floors was almost full. The invitations of this event were hand-delivered by messengers acting on behalf of Egypt's Presidential Authority and included flags of the United States and Egypt on both sides of the card with Arabic text printed on one side and English on the other. The audience arrived at 10 a.m. but had to wait for three hours as President Obama's speech started at 1 p.m.!
The audience included Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister of Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Egyptian top officials, actors, celebrities, foreign diplomats, politicians, activists and students from Egypt and other Muslim-majority countries, in addition to staff of the US embassy in Cairo. A large number of Muslim and Christian religious scholars and leaders were seated in the front rows acknowledging the role which faith can play in making peace or promoting conflict in this part of the world where many people are keenly religious. The event received heavy coverage from local and international media organizations and Obama's entire visit was televised on air through several Egyptian TV channels, public and private. For the first time, Egyptian Authorities allowed bloggers to cover an event of this nature online.

Outside Cairo University was a small demonstration where mainly American and European protestors called on Obama to stop supporting Israel's siege of Gaza. This demonstration was obviously tolerated by the security forces in an effort from the Egyptian regime to remind Obama of the order of priorities! Shops and Kiosks in the area surrounding Cairo University were instructed to shut down for the day. Cairo streets, usually crowded with heavy traffic, were largely empty as most businesses and schools took the day off. On why the speech was scheduled for Thursday and not on Friday, which is the weekend holiday in Egypt, some speculated that the reason was to avoid potential angry riots organized by extremist Islamists which could have erupted following Friday's prayers springing out of the security authorities' control.

The audience, mostly Egyptians, loved Obama and admired his charisma. Obama used quotations from the Quran, Bible and Talmud several times. He showed depth in understanding the complex history and problems of the region. "He did not refer to the printed speech not even once!" many people made that remark, funnily enough, to add to Obama's legendary presentation skills. Most of the audience present in the auditorium or following the televised speech from home did not realize that Obama was reading the speech from transparent teleprompters strategically located on both sides in front of the podium. "Afla7 in Sadak" meaning "he will do well if he stays true to his words and delivers on his promises," this was another comment shared by many of those who followed the speech. They loved what Obama said and wished that there was a way to realize these aspirations of peace and prosperity.

His strong commitment for peace and human rights made one of the audience members say that "Obama is just too courageous! He is the bravest U.S. President since Kennedy. I hope he does not meet his tragic fate." Obama, however, stressed that building this desirable future must happen through partnership. That it is a joint responsibility and not a task that he or the United States can bring about alone.

Critics, including members of "Kifaya" movement, however, regarded Obama's visit as an attempt to bestow undeserved legitimacy over a repressive regime and saw Obama's speech addressing the Muslim world as no more than a PR stunt designed to deceive Muslims and Arabs. One day before his visit Obama had described Mubarak as a pillar of wisdom and stability in the region. "Kifaya," the word literally means "enough," which seeks to end Mubarak's 28-year authoritarian grip on power, viewed the visit and the address as a gimmick which aimed at distracting Arabs and Muslims from the fact that the United States main interests in the region are to guarantee Israel's security and supremacy and to ensure that the U.S. controls the region's vast oil reserves through oppressive regimes which are merely puppets dancing to US commands. Obama's speech was therefore weak on democracy and human rights by design. Some critics saw that the overwhelming enthusiasm with which Egyptians greeted Obama reflected a deficit in leadership in their own constituency and a longing for a Messiah who can deliver them out of their long suffering.

In the critics' eyes, Obama demanded that Palestinians give up armed struggle without promising any solid policy changes. Obama did not promise for instance to end an unnecessary U.S. tradition of blocking Security Council resolutions whenever the hint of blame was to be placed on Israel. This decades-long unfortunate tradition is seen as an American obstruction of international justice. As for helping to reach the desired end of a 2-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, what Obama had to offer was merely his "patience", thus possibly endorsing endless rounds of fruitless negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Obama confirmed his commitment to strongly oppose illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands. This position however, was not accompanied by material policies and consequences should Israel fail to observe international law. The United States placed very stringent regulations on fund raising which may be used to finance extremist Islamist organizations. Obama did not offer or contemplate any remotely similar regulations designed to block fundraising activities in the United States if the funds would be funneled to Israel to finance the building of illegal Israeli settlements. Currently these generous donations from unsuspecting U.S. citizens are used to rebuild even bigger settlements as soon as the Israeli government dismantles some, making a mockery of the American and Israeli administrations' commitment in this regard. Further, Obama did not address the issue of reforming the United Nations, the Security Council structure and its decision-making process or talk about his vision of erecting an effective international justice system at some point in the future.

Critics accuse Obama's speech of being low on substance. Merely a collection of words nicely put together. But words is what speeches are usually made of. Today's address, however, may provide a starting point for a switch of the mindset, a change of heart and a paradigm shift. The dialogue has just started and today's words can provide a new way of thinking our common problems and mutual interests. It may serve as the preamble of an informal collective contract in which each party, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis and Americans must play its role and honor its commitments and obligations.

At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. Everyone will be watching closely for signs of real change in U.S. policy in days and months to come. Muslims will expect results and actions. Only words were released today. Words which signify dreams of a better future. But if these words and dreams are embraced and nurtured, they can grow and blossom. These aspirations can guide a continued dialogue and set a road map for a better future. Actions and policies to follow, however, is what will make these words and dreams more than rhetoric and turn them into design specifications for a truly better world.

Hate-Mongers Panic
As Obama's Sincerity
Touches the Hearts
Of the People

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Suing Britain for Damages
Resulting from Balfour Declaration

طلب تعويض
من الحكومة البريطانية
والدول المشتركة
في مؤتمر سان ريمو
في حديثه لمجلة "السياسي الجديد" New Statesman قال "جاك سترو" وزير خارجية بريطانيا "الكثير من المشاكل التي نتعامل معها الآن هي نتيجة لماضينا الاستعماري ... فوعد بلفور الذي أعطيناه لليهود والوعود المعاكسة التي أعطيناها للعرب في نفس الوقت هي جزء من تاريخ حافل ولكنه غير مشرف". وعلى الفور قام حزب المحافظين المعارض بانتقاد هذه الآراء، فأصدر داوننج ستريت تصريحاً بأن ملاحظات سترو "تصف التاريخ بصورة منطقية"!

وقد طرحنا منذ عدة سنوات أهمية أن تقوم منظمات أهلية تمثل الشعبين الفلسطيني والإسرائيلي وشعوب المنطقة المتضررة من الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي، بمطالبة بريطانيا والدول الموقعة على اتفاقية سان ريمو (عصبة الأمم 1920) بتعويضات مناسبة، وذلك من منطلق مسئولية بريطانيا - وباقي دول المؤتمر - عن الأضرار التي نشأت عن "محاولة تقنين وتنفيذ" وعد بلفور
[1] (1917) بناءً على الأسباب التالية:
1- من الناحية الفنية، لم يكن لبريطانيا أن تصدر مثل هذا الوعد عام 1917، حيث أن أرض فلسطين كانت لا تزال تابعة للدولة العثمانية آنذاك، كما أن هذا الوعد يتعارض مع روح القانون الدولي في كل جوانبه، فكيف تعطي بريطانيا وعداً لمجموعة ما، يسمح لتلك المجموعة بالاستيطان في أراضي دولة أخرى، وكان الأحرى ببريطانيا أن تسمح لليهود بالاستيطان على جزء من الأراضي البريطانية التي تخضع لسلطة الحكومة البريطانية.

2- أن وعد بلفور قد نص على "قيام وطن قومي لليهود في فلسطين “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” ولم ينص على قيام دولة يهودية “Jewish State” في فلسطين، ولكن في النهاية، أدى الانتداب البريطاني لقيام دولة يهودية في فلسطين.

3- أن وعد بلفور قد نص صراحة على "إننا سوف نبذل أقصى جهد لتسهيل الوصول لهذه الغاية، ويجب أن يكون واضحاً أنه لن يتم اتخاذ أي إجراء يخل بالحقوق الدينية أو المدنية لسكان فلسطين من غير اليهود it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine وفي النهاية، لم تستطع بريطانيا، ولا الدول الموقعة على اتفاقية سان ريمو أن تفي بهذا الوعد أو تحمي حقوق السكان الأصليين، وأدت موجات الهجرة المتوالية لتغيير التركيبة الديموجرافية لفلسطين واشتعال المواجهات العنيفة بها، إلى أن انسحبت بريطانيا في 14 مايو 1948 لتترك الفلسطينيين يواجهون الطرد والذبح والتشريد كلاجئين.

4- أن الدول الموقعة على اتفاقية سان ريمو قد "أيدت" وعد بلفور و"انتدبت" بريطانيا لتشرف على تنفيذ هذا "الوعد"، دون أن تستطلع رأي السكان الأصليين بالمخالفة للأعراف الدولية، مما أدى لوجود شعبين يتنازعان على أرض واحدة، أحدهما يملك الحق المدني في الدولة بحكم المولد والإقامة المستقرة، والآخر يحمل ترخيصاً من "غير ذي صفة – عصبة الأمم" ليهاجر إلى فلسطين ويستقر بها.

والمطالبة بأن تعتذر بريطانيا والدول الموقعة على اتفاقية سان ريمو للشعب الفلسطيني – والشعوب العربية والشعب الإسرائيلي وهي الشعوب التي عانت نتيجة لهذه الوعود - وأن يأتي هذا الاعتذار بصورة رسمية مدعماً بتعويضات مناسبة هو أمر ذو دلالة رمزية ونفسية هامة لدول المنطقة التي حرمت من العيش بسلام لعقود طويلة، كنتيجة مباشرة للفساد القانوني لوعد بلفور، ومخالفة قرار عصبة الأمم - بانتداب بريطانيا للإشراف على تنفيذ وعد بلفور- لأعراف القانون الدولي.

وفي النهاية، فهذه المقترحات اجتهادات شخصية، وأتمنى أن يتلقف الدعوة بعض من المتخصصين في القانون الدولي لمناقشة مدى فاعلية وقانونية البعد "الأهلي" في المفاوضات العربية الإسرائيلية في المرحلة القادمة.

[1] Foreign Office, Nov. 2, 1917

Dear Lord Rothchild,

I have much pleasure In conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
"His Majesty's Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

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