Showing posts with label Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


ما بعـد الواقعـية


خلال الشهور الماضية، أتيحت لي الفرصة أن ألتقي بالعديد من نواب البرلمان الأوروبي والألماني والبريطاني، والمسئولين بالمفوضية الأوروبية والخارجية الألمانية، والأحزاب الليبرالية في أوروبا، ضمن وفد من ممثلي الأحزاب الليبرالية العربية، بدعوة من مؤسسة فريدريش ناومان. وفوجئنا جميعاً أن الموضوع الذي دفع به جميع المتحدثين العرب من المغرب، والجزائر، وتونس، ومصر، والأردن، وفلسطين على طاولات المحادثات الثنائية والجماعية والمناقشات العامة والخاصة، كان موضوع القضية الفلسطينية، مع تشديد على قصور الدور الأوروبي في حل القضية، يسبقه فساد الدور الأمريكي وانحيازه التام لإسرائيل، وازدواجية المعايير الدولية، بما ينذر بكارثة إقليمية وعالمية.

وفي حديثي لأحد المسئولين الألمان، أوضحت أنه لو كان هذا اللقاء تم منذ 10 سنوات، لكانت دفة الحديث اتجهت لدور أوروبا في التنمية الاقتصادية في بلداننا، ونقل التكنولوجيا، والتحول الديمقراطي، وسبل التعاون في إطار الديبلوماسية الشعبية، وغيرها من موضوعات كانت تميز المرحلة التي أسميها مرحلة الواقعية السياسية. بدأت تلك المرحلة في نوفمبر 1973. ففي أعقاب حرب أكتوبر 1973، جلس الرئيس السادات مع كيسنجر، وصارحه برؤيته في مستقبل المنطقة، وضرورة الوصول لاتفاق سلام بين العرب وإسرائيل، وعزمه على أن تتجه مصر غرباً. وكان السادات قد طرد حوالي 15 ألف خبير سوفييتي في صيف 1972، دون أن يبعث بأية إشارة أو يجري أية مفاوضات مع الجانب الأمريكي أو الغرب حول "الثمن" الذي كانت أمريكا مستعدة حتماً لتقديمه مقابل هذا التغيير في خريطة النفوذ السياسي العالمي لقطبي الحرب الباردة في ذلك الوقت، وهو التغيير الذي شكل نقطة انقلاب حسمت نتيجة الحرب الباردة بصورة مبكرة قبل انهيار المعسكر الشرقي داخلياً في نهاية الثمانينات. ومرحلة الواقعية السياسية، تلت مرحلة الرومانسية التي ميزت سياسات مصر في الستينيات، حركتها طموحات الوحدة العربية بأحلامها الرائعة، التي استيقظنا منها على كوابيس الهزيمة المروعة، في يونيو 1967. وفي صباح 11 سبتمبر 2001، استيقظ العالم على مشاهد مفجعة، عندما ظهر طرف لم يكن مدعواً أو محسوباً في تقديرات النظام العالمي الجديد، طرف استطاع تخطي الحواجز الأمنية، والحدود الدولية، والفجوة التقنية، والجيوش النظامية، ليضرب ضربات سريعة متلاحقة، في الولايات المتحدة، ولندن، ومدريد، وشرم الشيخ، وبالي، وغيرها من مدن وعواصم العالم، فيسقط الأبرياء ضحايا للإرهاب، في رسائل دموية نارية طائرة، أوقظت العالم وأوقظتنا جميعاً من مرحلة الواقعية السياسية، لندخل في مرحلة ما بعد الواقعية Post-realism.

ما هي الواقعية السياسية؟ هي أن نطلب من العرب ألا يطمحوا في سلام عادل لأنهم لا يملكون القوة الكافية لاستحقاق هذا السلام. هي أن نطلب من الفلسطينيين أن يجلسوا على طاولة المفاوضات تحت فوهة المدافع، ويقبلوا بما يفرضه المفاوض الإسرائيلي من شروط لأنهم لا يملكون بطاقات يفاوضون بها. الواقعية بالطبع تحتم على الجانب الفلسطيني أن يعود إلى شعبه، ويحاول إقناعه بأن يقبل بتسوية تفتقر إلى العدل، باعتبار أن هذا هو "حكم القوي"، في عالم لا يعرف من العدالة إلا السيف الذي جردنا العدالة منه، ووضعناه في يد من يمتلك المدافع والأسلحة النووية والتقليدية. وبعد أن يجاهد المفاوض الفلسطيني في إقناع شعبه بالتسوية المغبنة، يعود الجانب الإسرائيلي فيرفضها، بحجة أن الواقع السياسي قد تغير على الأرض، فتبدأ المفاوضات من جديد من نقطة ما قبل الصفر، وهكذا تضيع الحقوق في مسلسل من التنازلات التي لا تنتهي.

دعونا نتصور أن يتم هذا على المستوى المحلي، عندما يقوم شخص ما بسرقة حافظة نقودك تحت تهديد السلاح، فتذهب تشكو للبوليس، فيطلب منك الضابط أن "تتفاوض" أنت الضحية الأعزل، مع الجاني المفتري المدجج بالسلاح لتطالبه بحافظتك؟ ماذا يمكنك أن تفعل؟ قد تضطر لحظتها للاستعانة بأحد البلطجية، أو تشتري أنت بنفسك قطعة سلاح، وتستغل فرصة نوم المفتري الغاصب، فتستعيد نقودك وقد تأخذ بعضاً من نقوده أيضاً، أو قد تخطف أحد أطفاله في طريق عودته من المدرسة، لتساوم به على استعادة حقوقك. أليس هذا ما يحدث اليوم في مجتمعنا عندما تعجز العدالة عن الحفاظ على حقوق المواطنين؟ ألا يلجأ البعض للبلطجة في الدولة الموازية لاستعادة حقوقهم في ظل غياب آليات العدالة؟ إن البناء الحضاري للعالم قام على فكرة "ماعت" وهي التي مثلت نظام العدالة والتوازن بين القيم العليا للإنسان في الدولة المصرية القديمة، وبدون "ماعت" يعود البشر لقيم الغابة، القيم التي تحكم عالم الحيوان، وأهمها قيمتي القوة والسرعة، وتنتهي الحضارة الإنسانية، بعد أن يصبح من حق أي شخص ما دام يملك القوة أو السرعة أو كليهما، أن يقتنص ممتلكات الآخرين، أو يعتدي عليهم، أو يقتلهم، أو حتى يأكلهم، فهذه هي طبيعة قيم الغابة.

نفس الشيء ينطبق على المستوى الدولي، فإذا لم تجد الضحية من تشكو إليه، وإذا لم يجد المعتدي من يردعه ويزجره ويأخذ الحق منه، بآليات واضحة ومعايير موضوعية، بدون ازدواجية أو محسوبية دولية، تغيب العدالة، ويصبح الحديث عن الشرعية الدولية حديث أجوف من أي معنى أو غاية، وتتوه الحدود بين الحق والباطل، ويصبح الإرهاب أداة من أدوات البلطجة الدولية، منظومة موازية، مثل الأخذ بالثأر في المجتمعات القبلية، التي تعاني من غياب آليات مجتمعية للشرعية والعدالة.

قالت إحدى السياسيات "الواقعيات": "لابد أن تعلموا أننا ملتزمون بأمن إسرائيل، وأن تعاملنا مع إسرائيل يتسم بحساسية مفرطة، وهناك ذكريات ما حدث في الحرب العالمية الثانية، التي تجعلنا عاجزين عن فعل الكثير من الأشياء التي قد تكون واجبة وصحيحة. ولابد أن يتحقق السلام من خلال التفاوض، ونحن كأوروبيين نشعر أحياناً أن إسرائيل لا ترحب بتدخلنا، وبالتالي لا نود أن "نتطفل" على القضية، ونحن نبذل أقصى ما في وسعنا في حدود هذه المعطيات." يا سيدتي، لقد تفضلتم و"تطفلتم" وتدخلتم بالفعل، عندما أصدر بلفور وزير الخارجية البريطاني وعد بلفور في 1917، ثم جاء اضطهادكم لليهود ومحارق الهولوكوست، واليوم تشعرون بالذنب، وتظنون أنه ربما علينا نحن، أن ندفع ثمن خطاياكم أنتم، ولكن الشأن الفلسطيني، لم يعد قضية محلية أو إقليمية، بل أن العالم كله يدفع الثمن الآن. ربما حدث لكم نوع من الكلال أو أصبح الموضوع كمرض مزمن يتعين علينا أن نعتاد عليه، ولكن الوضع الآن يختلف، لقد كفرت الشعوب في منطقتنا بالعدالة الدولية وأصبحت الحركات المتطرفة والمسلحة ودعاة القوة مثل حزب الله، حماس، أحمد نجاد، تتمتع بتأييد قطاعات واسعة من العرب والمسلمين في العالم كله وداخل حدودكم أنتم، حتى بن لادن نفسه، أصبحت له شعبية بفضل احتكامكم للمعايير المزدوجة، وأخشى أن حساسيتكم تجاه ما فعلتموه أنتم ضد اليهود في الحرب العالمية الثانية، قد يدفع العالم نحو حرب عالمية ثالثة، بل ربما نكون الآن وسط حرب عالمية ثالثة بالفعل، ولكنها حرب غير تقليدية، حرب موازية، أنتم تحتلون العراق وأفغانستان بالقوات النظامية، ويدفع المدنيون الثمن في تفجيرات إرهابية، في لندن ونيويورك وشرم الشيخ وبالي ومدريد.

ومن أجل أن نتجنب هذه الحرب العالمية الثالثة، أو نجهضها، لابد أن نعود مرة أخرى إلى المبادئ، وهذا ما أسميه مرحلة ما بعد الواقعية. إن ما حدث وأهال عليه العالم التراب في الماضي، ظنا أنه مات وتحلل، فهو يبعث اليوم، إنه ينهض الآن، ليلاحقنا في كل مكان. لم يعد من الممكن أن نهرب من يوم الحساب، لقد أصبحت "الكارما" التي استحقتها كل دولة معلقة في رقبتها، "كل طائره في عنقه". لم تعد للجيوش وأسلحة الفيديو جيم والتحصينات الأمنية قيمة، فالعقاب يأتي من حيث لا نحتسب، أحياناً من السماء، وأحياناً في الهواء أو الماء، إن الشخص الذي يصل لدرجة من الإحباط واليأس، تجعله مستعداً لمبادلة حياته، مقابل توصيل رسالة دموية، لعالم خلا من العدل، مثل هذا الشخص قد لا تنفع معه إجراءات الأمن، لأن إجراءات الأمن تعتمد على أن الشخص سوف يأتمر بأمر رجال الأمن خوفاً على حياته، ولكن ماذا إذا هانت حياته وفقدت قيمتها أمام الظلم والفقر، وقيل له أنه سوف يصبح بطلاً شهيداً يستحق الجنة، والجنة الآن؟ عندما يصبح ذلك الشخص العادي انتحارياً تعجز أمامه كل الإجراءات والتحصينات.

هذا عن أفراد انتحاريين، ولكن ماذا إذا وصلت أنظمة انتحارية إلى الحكم في الشرق الأوسط؟ لقد اكتسبت القيم التي يتشدق بها الغرب سمعة سيئة وسط الشعوب، فالنظم المستبدة تذيق شعوبها الذل وشظف العيش، وهي تتمسح بالأنظمة الغربية وتسير في ركابها، بينما تدعي أنها تقود تلك الشعوب للجنة الغربية، والشعوب لم تر من جراء مبادرات السلام والانفتاح على الغرب سوى المزيد من الإذلال والفقر، وضياع الأراضي والحقوق، ولم تر من العالم الغربي الذي يتشدق بقيم الحرية والعدالة والشرعية الدولية، سوى النفاق الأخلاقي، والمعايير المزدوجة والتعامي عن الجرائم الإسرائيلية بسبب قوة اللوبيات اليهودية في الولايات المتحدة والعالم.

إن التخلي عن مبادئ العدالة والحق والمساواة، يهدم الأساس الأخلاقي للحضارة الإنسانية، ويفتح الباب لأن تصبح القوة الغاشمة هي أساس الاستيلاء على الحقوق واغتصابها أو استعادتها، وبهذا نطعن السلام في العالم طعنة قاتلة، ويصبح على كل شخص منا ألا ينام، فعليه أن يسهر مدججاً بالسلاح، يتمنى ألا يغفو، ولكنه حتماً سوف يغفو، وعندما يغفو أي منا، لا نعلم من أين يأتي الخطر.

إن الرومانسية وتجاهل الواقع يجعل ما نقوله هنا مجرد كلام غير قابل للتطبيق، ولذلك على العالم اليوم أن يتطرق إلى حلول خلاقة تضع آليات لتحقيق العدالة الدولية على أرض الواقع، ربما من خلال إصلاح الأمم المتحدة، أو اللجوء للتحكيم الدولي عندما تفشل المفاوضات، أو الضغط الاقتصادي على الدول التي تتسبب بسلوكياتها المستهترة في تقويض السلام العالمي.

لا يجب أن نقع ضحايا للواقعية المفرطة ونقول هذا هوالواقع. لو قال أجدادنا نفس الشيء، لظلت مصر تحت الحكم العثماني أو الانجليزي، ولظلت أوروبا تحت نير حكم امبراطوريات مستبدة، ولظل الإنسان يعيش في الغابة. فالعالم نرسمه في مخيلتنا وضمائرنا أولاً، ثم ننطلق لنبنيه ونصنعه على أرض الواقع، ولا يجب أن نتخلى عن حلمنا في عالم ينعم بالسلام، والتطلع لغد أفضل لنا ولأبنائنا، بحجة أن الواقع سيء.

هذه هي ما أسميه بمرحلة ما بعد الواقعية. وفي رأيي، هذا هو البديل عن اندلاع أو اتساع الحرب العالمية الثالثة. لأنه إذا كانت الواقعية تحتم علينا أن ننظر للأوضاع اليوم كما هي، فإن ما بعد الواقعية، تستدعي منا أن نتحسب لمخاطر المستقبل التي قد نجلبها على أنفسنا، عندما ننسى القيم الحاكمة في منظومة "ماعت".

Friday, April 02, 2010

Post Realism Five

Racing Against Time

as the

World Heads Towards Chaos

Wael Nawara

First Published May 2009

An eventual rift between the new US administration and the right-wing Israeli government may be inevitable. The Obama administration wants to be seen as reclaiming back its right to set the US foreign policy in the White House and the State Department and not in the halls and corridors of AIPAC conventions. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an American lobbying group, has advocated for pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive for more than five decades, often against, many would argue, American interests. Obama delayed his meeting with Netanyahu as not to coincide with AIPAC's gathering in a symbolic gesture that the American agenda is no longer at the mercy of the strong pro-Israel lobby. The lobby which had hi-jacked US foreign policy for decades is slowly being realized as a threat to US interests and indeed, although no one will dare to say that, to World Peace and Global Security at large. When Netanyahu meets Obama on the 18th May, he will have to present an Israeli vision towards peace, if indeed a serious one exists.

It is fair, yet unpopular, to say that the situation in Palestine and Israeli discourse for the past few decades fuels, if it is not directly responsible for, the chaotic situation in Pakistan, Iran, Gaza, Egypt and the developing worldwide clash between the West and Muslims. The West is seen to have blindly supported Israel with no regard to the indigenous people of Palestine, its neighbors and the Arab and Muslim worlds as a whole. With the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the bad situation in Iraq & Iran, Obama's administration is racing against time as the world heads towards chaos.

Israel itself faces a very uncertain future if it does not quickly resolve the Palestinian issue. Israeli negotiators have been too smart for Israel’s own interests, as they stalled for decades always demanding more from the defenseless Palestinian side while successive Israeli governments strived to change realities on the ground by building more settlements, erecting apartheid walls, confiscating homes, lands and seizing water resources such that the window for a viable two-state solution now has almost disappeared. The table will turn around soon and Israel will have to give many concessions in land, water, labor arrangements and other resources to resuscitate the dead embryo of a Palestinian State back to vitality.

Also See:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

EU Resolution Is a Step Forward

القرار الأوروبي أقل من الطموحات الفلسطينية
لكنه ضربة موجعة لسياسة إسرائيل في فرض الأمر الواقع

ردود فعل غاضبة في إسرائيل
رداً على قرار وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الأوروبي الذي يدعو لاعتبار
القدس عاصمة لإسرائيل ولدولة فلسطين المستقبلية

EU Yields to Israeli Pressure and Departs from Swedish Resolution


Council Conclusions

on the

Middle East Peace Process

2985th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting

Brussels, 8 December 2009

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

  1. The Council of the European Union is seriously concerned about the lack of progress in the Middle East peace process. The European Union calls for the urgent resumption of negotiations that will lead, within an agreed time-frame, to a two-state solution with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. A comprehensive peace, which is a fundamental interest of the parties in the region and the EU, must be achieved on the basis of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the Madrid principles including land for peace, the Roadmap, the agreements previously reached by the parties and the Arab Peace Initiative.
  2. The Council reconfirms its support for the United States' efforts to resume negotiations on all final status issues, including borders, Jerusalem, refugees, security and water, respecting previous agreements and understandings. The European Union will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties. The Council reiterates the EU's readiness to contribute substantially to post-conflict arrangements, aimed at ensuring the sustainability of peace agreements, and will continue the work undertaken on EU contributions on state-building, regional issues, refugees, security and Jerusalem. The Council underlines the need for a reinvigorated Quartet engagement and notes the crucial importance of an active Arab contribution building on the Arab Peace Initiative.
  3. The EU stands ready to further develop its bilateral relations with the Palestinian Authority reflecting shared interests, including in the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy. Recalling the Berlin declaration, the Council also reiterates its support for negotiations leading to Palestinian statehood, all efforts and steps to that end and its readiness, when appropriate, to recognise a Palestinian state. It will continue to assist Palestinian state building, including through its CSDP missions and within the Quartet. The EU fully supports the implementation of the Palestinian Authority's Government Plan "Palestine, Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State" as an important contribution to this end and will work for enhanced international support for this plan.
  4. Recalling the EU's position as expressed at the Association Council in June 2009, the Council reaffirms its readiness to further develop its bilateral relations with Israel within the framework of the ENP. The EU reiterates its commitment towards the security of Israel and its full integration into the region, which is best guaranteed through peace between Israel and its neighbours.
  5. Encouraging further concrete confidence building measures, the Council takes positive note of the recent decision of the Government of Israel on a partial and temporary settlement freeze as a first step in the right direction and hopes that it will contribute towards a resumption of meaningful negotiations.
  6. Developments on the ground play a crucial part in creating the context for successful negotiations. The Council reiterates that settlements, the separation barrier where built on occupied land, demolition of homes and evictions are illegal under international law, constitute an obstacle to peace and threaten to make a two-state solution impossible. The Council urges the government of Israel to immediately end all settlement activities, in East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank and including natural growth, and to dismantle all outposts erected since March 2001.
  7. The EU welcomes Israel's steps to ease restrictions of movement in the West Bank which have made a contribution to economic growth. The Council calls for further and sustained improvements of movement and access, noting that many check points and road blocks remain in place. The Council also calls on the Palestinian Authority to build on its efforts to improve law and order.
  8. The Council is deeply concerned about the situation in East Jerusalem. In view of recent incidents, it calls on all parties to refrain from provocative actions. The Council recalls that it has never recognised the annexation of East Jerusalem. If there is to be a genuine peace, a way must be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states. The Council calls for the reopening of Palestinian institutions in Jerusalem in accordance with the Roadmap. It also calls on the Israeli government to cease all discriminatory treatment of Palestinians in East Jerusalem.
  9. Gravely concerned about the situation in Gaza, the Council urges the full implementation of UNSCR 1860 and the full respect of international humanitarian law. In this context, the continued policy of closure is unacceptable and politically counterproductive. It has devastated the private sector economy and damaged the natural environment, notably water and other natural resources. The EU again reiterates its calls for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza. In this context, the Council calls for the full implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access. While extremists stand to gain from the current situation, the civilian population, half of which are under the age of 18, suffers. Fully recognising Israel's legitimate security needs, the Council continues to call for a complete stop to all violence and arms smuggling into Gaza. The Council calls on those holding the abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit to release him without delay.
  10. The Council calls on all Palestinians to promote reconciliation behind President Mahmoud Abbas, support for the mediation efforts by Egypt and the Arab League and the prevention of a permanent division between the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza. The Council would welcome the organisation of free and fair Palestinian elections when conditions permit.
  11. A comprehensive peace must include a settlement between Israel and Syria and Israel and Lebanon. Concerning the Syrian track, the EU welcomes recent statements by Israel and Syria confirming their willingness to advance towards peace and supports all efforts aimed at the reactivation of the talks between the two countries.
  12. The EU recalls that a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict requires a regional approach and will continue its work on this in line with the June 2009 Council Conclusions using all its instruments to this effect. The EU also calls on all regional actors to take confidence building measures in order to stimulate mutual trust and encourages Arab countries to be forthcoming, both politically and financially, in assisting the Palestinian Authority and to Palestinian refugees through UNRWA.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nobel Prize for Hope

Wael Nawara

Wael Nawara

Posted: October 9, 2009 11:23 AM

For Peace to Be:

Obama Wins Nobel Prize for Hope!

Realizing that peace was probably nowhere near, the Norwegian Nobel Committee may have decided to award the Nobel Prize to Obama, for Hope. According to reports, the Committee voted unanimously and with ease for Obama, for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Nobel committee recognized Obama's efforts to solve complex global problems including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons. Obama, who has been barely nine months President of the United States, was awakened to the news. In reaction, he said he was “humbled to be selected".

Elsewhere, the news was received with mixed feelings. On my Facebook page many responded with one word “Why” and a question mark. One person jokingly used an Arabic Language Metaphoric Style which when translated would mean, “Obama won for what will be”. He won for the peace that will be or the peace that could be. Someone else asked: "Now we are celebrating Christmas in June?" Perhaps what we are celebrating is a paradigm shift that may allow us to celebrate Christmas in December!

Obama’s visit to Cairo and his speech were warmly received by millions if not billions of people from every faith and nationality. His attempts to build bridges between civilizations were admired. His persistent efforts to solve complex conflicts gave hope and optimism to many. Finally, here is a world leader, who truly cares. Beyond calculations of votes and political gains, someone who has the courage to tackle issues which could politically backfire.

Two weeks ago, Obama’s efforts to bring about peace in the Middle East came to a difficult test. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, practically forced the American President to give up his demand for a freeze on building the Israeli Settlements on Occupied Palestinian Territory. A day after meeting U.S. President Barack Obama at the tripartite summit in New York, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN that the U.S. demand for a complete settlement freeze in the West Bank was "costing us a great deal of time." The covert message to Obama seemed to be, don’t waste your time.

Uri Avneri, an Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, commented on the confrontation in Ramallah online with a piece titled “The Drama And The Farce: Netanyahu Humiliates Obama”. In Avneri’s eyes, Obama had come unprepared to exert pressure on Israel. Avneri asked ”Why did Obama insist on the settlement freeze – in itself a very reasonable demand – if he was unable to stand his ground?”

Netanyahu won that battle, showed his people and the world that he is “no sucker”. Obama may have lost his ground this one time, but he has hopefully learned a lesson. Perhaps Obama also showed the world Netanyahu’s true intentions towards peace.

It is not realistic to expect that a century-long conflict like the one in Palestine, or decades-long nuclear arms race will all be instantly resolved by one tap of some magic wand which Obama alone keeps. So, when the Nobel Prize Committee says that "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Committee is being realistic in its expectations. No one alone can achieve world peace. Obama has won for propagating Hope and for extending a hand for peace and understanding. Now it is the turn of others to capture that opportunity and embrace that hand before it is no longer there.

The Committee rejected the claim that awarding the Nobel Prize to Obama at such an early stage gives undue recognition to efforts which are yet to bear realized fruits. The Committee demonstrated that it intends to promote Obama just it had done for Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 recognizing his efforts to open up the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. The Committee further announced that Obama’s "diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population,". Plainly put, as “Realism” ruled, force and military might alone decided the fate of conflicts. Thus the world rewarded aggression and consequently promoted further conflict and an endless race to acquire instruments of destruction, war and terror. In awarding the Nobel Prize to Obama, the Committee promotes a new era of Post-Realism, where justice and not might, should rule, not only in poet’s lyrics or beauty queen speeches, but in the behavior of world leaders and in the conduct of nations.

Obama indeed may have won the Nobel Prize, not for the Peace he helped realize, but for the Hope he has managed to inspire. The Hope that our world can truly be a better place. And like everything else, Peace may start with one shred of hope. Hope for Peace.

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So many people are asking how Obama deserved the Prize. Now, if we assume that the Nobel Prize should be given to the Person who has made the strongest impact on world peace during the last year and in that way it is comparative in nature. Do you know of some other person who has made a more positive impact on world peace during the last year? Honestly, I do not know of any other person than Obama who is more deserving.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Obama's New Beginning

Obama’s “New Beginning”:

Delivering on the Issue of Settlements

The people have started to deliver. The Lebanese people have just voted for U.S.-backed 14th March coalition and prevented Hezbollah from taking over the parliament and controlling the government. In today's elections in Iran, CNN is reporting heavy voter turnout. The Iranian opposition rally stepped up its pace significantly in the last week. A 17-km human chain of opposition ran across the Capital Tehran and signs show that the Obama Effect is giving the moderate Moussavi a great push. Young voters, who abstained in the last election, are vowing to participate this time and many are determined to vote against Ahmadinejad. Women are also showing up in great numbers demanding freedom in a country where women are suppressed by a conservative regime. Ahmadinijad may not be ousted this time, but growing number of people are favoring moderation over extremism. The people are starting to do their part. But is President Obama doing his?

If we regard Obama's "New Beginning" speech as the preamble of an informal collective contract then each party, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis and Americans; must play its role and honor its commitments and obligations. The people's commitment is to support tolerance and vote against extremism. This has happened in Lebanon and there are positive signs coming out of Tehran. It is also happening in Israel, where hard line Netanyahu is re-thinking his position towards a Palestinian State as many Israelis seem to be supporting Obama's "New Beginning".

Just like Roosevelt's "New Deal" made it to history books, Obama's
"New Beginning" is also making a historical ripple effect that has approached Arab and Persian shores. Now, it is time for Obama to make good on his promises. It is time he follows through on his words. People of this region may be too emotional and will give even an American President the benefit of the doubt. But they are not stupid. They paid in advance but they expect that Mr. Obama will deliver.

Quick and early dividends could be realized on the issue of the illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories. Obama confirmed his commitment to strongly oppose these illegal settlements. Now this is the time for him to deliver some actions to back his words. What we propose here is not big, but it is rather symbolic.

For years, the United States has placed very strict regulations on fund-raising activities related to financing Islamist or extremist organizations. Now it is time that Obama sends a bill to the Hill to block fundraising activities in the United States if the funds would be funneled to Israel to finance the building of illegal Israeli settlements. This does not affect other fund-raising activities going to Israel. Just the funding of illegal settlements which should be curbed. Currently, generous donations from U.S. citizens are used to build new illegal settlements, expand existing settlements and rebuild those settlements which are dismantled by the Israeli government. And to add a spoon of sugar to this bitter medicine, the United States could offer to assist Israel in developing urban engineering solutions to accommodate population growth in areas where Israel sees the problem most troubling.

Ahmadinejad might still be able to keep his seat. But even if he does, something has fundamentally changed. Ahmadinejad has announced that he wants to meet face-to-face with Obama and "debate" the issues standing between the two countries. Obama's "New Beginning" is unstoppable. The only one who can stall Obama's "New Beginning" is Obama himself; If he fails to follow through on his promises. Just like Bush failed to follow through on his commitment to democracy, crushing the hopes on the "Spring of Change", Obama could destroy his own "New Beginning" before it even begins to happen. The only thing Obama needs to do now is to nurse his own "New Beginning" by delivering even small packets of actions which somehow match the general direction of his promises before this historical window of opportunity vanishes.

Wael Nawara, Egypt

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Obama vs. Obama

Will Obama The Man Keep Up With Obama The Legend?

Read this in Huffington Post:

Obama vs. Obama

During his visit to Cairo, Obama can write a new chapter in history. The idea that the American President will address Islamic Nations from Cairo, capital of Egypt and home to Al Azhar University carries a symbolic gesture that can open the door for a new era of dialogue and understanding between the West and Muslims. For decades, Muslims have been accumulating negative feelings of victimization and accusing the U.S. of using double standards especially as a result of the lingering Palestinian suffering. Muslims blame the U.S. for its blind support to Israel shielding it from Security Council resolutions and international justice. During the last 8 years, the curve of the relationship dived to its lowest levels ever, with President Bush’s decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and his “War on Terror” which Muslims saw as being mainly directed against them.

The war against extremism and violence, however, is a war of minds and hearts. Hearts that could never be won through use of military power or invasion. With every civilian casualty falling in the crossfire in Iraq for instance, the U.S. would acquire new enemies and lose potential friends. The war against fanaticism should have been fought against injustice, intolerance, poverty and oppression. It should have been fought through creation of opportunity, hope and change of dire circumstances leading to frustration and despair. This gesture to address Muslim grievances comes at a critical hour in the history of our world. This opportunity may not come again.

The war against extremism, hatred and exclusion is everyone’s war. Obama should engage Muslims everywhere to side with peace, freedom and tolerance. During his campaign, Obama enjoyed tremendous support in this part of the world. People placed very high hopes on Obama to deliver the change he promised and fix what they saw as decades-long problems. Upon his historic victory, most Muslims cheered and celebrated. The biggest challenge facing the American President is this image of a Superhero-Obama who can fix all problems and solve all complex issues. Obama must therefore walk on very thin ice in trying to balance between aspirations and realities. Between promises and policies. Between what is said now and what can practically be implemented during his term or terms as a President. For instance he must try to balance between Israel’s security and Palestinian rights. Between amicable relations with existing regimes ruling Muslim countries and long-term friendship with the people who regard these regimes as oppressive and corrupt. Between regional stability and demands for reform and democracy.

Some pessimists regard the choice of Cairo as the venue for this historic address as blow which undermines U.S. commitment to democracy and human rights. Supporters of neocon hard-line confrontational approaches are now saying “we told you so”, pointing out that this choice of venue gives a blank check to oppressive regimes and shows that the new administration’s support for democracy in the Middle East has waned. Aly Eddin Helal, a senior ranking member of the ruling NDP party in Egypt, in an interview with Al Ahram Daily paper last Friday, saw the visit as a signal that critics of the Egyptian regime who had been calling for democracy, reform and respect of human rights have lost their bets. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that Obama’s policy of using soft power, with publicized friendly gestures towards governments carries a less visible side within. They believe that tough diplomacy demanding progress and reform behind closed doors has been much more effective than Bush’s blunt rhetoric which was ill-received and produced negative reactions from old stubborn leaders in an area of the world where public scolding leads to losing face.

The stakes are high and so are the expectations. Muslims will listen to Obama and he has a chance to get to their hearts and minds. He can frankly tell Muslims that they need to change their ways. But he has to provide them with alternative means of getting their justice. The United Nations and the structure of the Security Council have both failed to justly address Muslim issues. This contributed to rise of terrorism and political advances enjoyed by extremist political factions. Obama now has what no other Western leader have ever had, a feeling amongst people in this part of the world that they can relate to him. That he in turn can relate to them and understand suffering of the weak and the marginalized. That their pleas can find sympathetic ears from someone who managed to move through the ranks and achieve what was once considered an impossible accomplishment. Obama remains hero of the people. And that is a tough place to be. Obama the man has to try hard to keep up with Obama the legend. This is the challenge before Obama.

Written By
Ayman Nour
Wael Nawara

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