Showing posts with label Humanism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humanism. Show all posts

Monday, February 07, 2011

ماذا يعني أن تكون شهيدا

أروع أشكال التضحية

هي أن تخرج لتطلب الحرية للوطن

في ثورة شعبية سلمية

أنت لا تعرف الشخص الذي تحمي ميمنته أو مؤخرته 

لا تدري إن كان سيفعل نفس الشيء لك

لست ضابطاً أو جنديا في الجيش أو الشرطة

لست مكلفا من أي جهة بأن تفعل ما تفعله

ليست لديك أسلحة أو تدريب لما أنت بصدد أن تؤديه 

لا تعلم إن كنت ستعود أم لا

هل ستصبح بطلاً إن انتصرت الثورة

أم سيصورونك عميلاً مأجورا إن لم يستطع زملاؤك من بعدك أن ينتزعوا النصر 

لا تعلم قواعد الاشتباك - لأن العدو الذي أمامك لا يلتزم بشرف العسكرية - بل كثيرا ما يستخدم البلطجية والشرطة السرية في ملابس مدنية

كل ما تعرفه وتشعر به بيقين لا يتزعزع

شعور بالإخوة

لكل أبناء الوطن

الحاضرون منهم معك في هذا اليوم والغائبون عن الميدان

من يعيشون اليوم على هذه الأرض ومن لم يولدوا بعد

بل شعور بالأخوة للإنسانية جمعاء

فأنت تنتصر لحرية الإنسان في كل مكان

وتكتب بدمائك تعريفا لا ينسى - لمعنى الإنسانية ذاتها

طوبى للشهداء

لن ننسى أن دماءكم الطاهرة قد سالت على أرض هذا الوطن

من أجل أناس لم تعرفوهم قط

وقد يكون منهم من لا تحبونه

لكنكم ذهبتم غير عابئين بكل هذه التفاصيل

ذهبتم وسطرتم بدمائكم في ناموس هذا الكون - آية جديدة لما تعنيه الإنسانية ذاتها

Saturday, November 14, 2009

COP 15 - Not for the Environment … but for Man

Environmentalism Is Actually Humanism

One of my friends, Thomas Jude Barclay Morrison, has made a very clever argument against, among other things, perpetuating "… the divide (or rather the illusion of separation) between humanity and Nature." He argues that man's creations, buildings and cities are all part of Nature. "Nobody looks at a termite mound, ant-hill or bird's nest as "unnatural" - and until we, as a species, can look on New York, Los Angeles, London, Lisbon and Delhi as a product of Nature, we have not overcome the illusion of our separation from Nature. I believe humanity to be a part of Nature, and this means that city streets, cars, aeroplanes, subways full of jostling commuters and gridlocked motorways are all part of Nature, because they were made by human hands, and human hands are part of Nature."

To be honest, until I read his note and thought about this whole divide, I used myself to make such distinction, even unconsciously, between the a state of natural beauty and another where man-made creations interfered in my eyes with such beauty. But once I thought about this whole thing, knowing that I had always thought of Man as being one with Nature, it then follows that whatever Man creates is also a product of Nature.

No Threat To Nature, Just To Ourselves

According to this logic, it can be argued that nuclear waste, pollution and economic greed for continuous growth are also a part of Nature, since it is a product of humanity. But why do I naturally dislike these things and consider them unbeautiful?

I then realized the obvious! That Man can never destroy Nature or end existence of the universe. Man can just destroy the conditions which permit Man to continue being a part of Nature. Man can destroy the manner of Nature which supports Man's existence as a species.

Everything indeed is part of Nature. Nature is the existence and manner of the universe. Man's existence is what we should really worry about now. It just so happens that the Nature of the host of our existence, Planet Earth, is such that it deteriorates, in terms of suitability to sustained existence of Man, by Man's own hand, or on the hands of super-structures, such as State, Corporate and Economy which Man created or which "naturally" evolved with Man's existence so to speak.

We talk about the environment all the time, and some ask, is the environment more important than Man? In all selfishness, I say, that when we talk of the environment, we really mean the environment which supports and sustains the continued existence of Man and Man's healthy habitat, with all the natural diversity which has so far encouraged and supported our existence.

So, we are no threat to Nature at all. We are just a threat to ourselves, or to be optimistic, we are just a threat to our children and grandchildren.

Environmentalism Is Actually Humanism.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ten a Day

The Shift to a Man-Centered World

Giovanni Boccaccio's

The Decameron

Tales of plague and death
But out of despair Love is Born
The shift from a God-Centered world of perfect moral pretenses
To a Man-Lived experience of conflicting interpretations and perceptions
Giovanni Boccaccio's master-piece, the Decameron
English Translation
Of the 100 tales of Great Italian Prose
Ten a Day


The Decameron Web

First Novella
Full Text


** Irrational Reactions to the Swine Flu pandemic presents us with an opportunity to re-reconsider the relationship between science and mythology in our daily lives and the way we think of things.


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