Showing posts with label passive resistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passive resistance. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2009

Negotiations? What Negotiations? ....o.o


The Fallacy of Negotiations,

Bankruptcy of Terror

And a Call for

Proactive Peaceful


State Dept.: Policy against new Israeli settlements stands

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The State Department is sticking with a strict no-new-settlements policy toward Israel, its spokesman said Thursday, but he held out the possibility that Israelis and Palestinians might eventually take a different path. (Read More on CNN)


It is good to know that the US State Dept. is still holding "a" position which "opposes" Israeli illegal settlements on Palestinian Territory. But apart from good intentions, what actions or policies can we expect the "new" American Administration to adopt in order to back its well-intentioned words and rhetoric? Surely the American Administration realizes that words alone can not solve the problem, so what about some physical actions, even gestures to show good will? For instance, how about taking a stand against fund-raising activities in the US which is used to support new illegal settlements on Palestinian Territory? Why can't the American Administration lobby to pass a legislation or even issue a temporary executive measure to ban fund-raising inside USA if the money will be used to finance illegal settlements? How hard is that?

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a military journal that government efforts to counter Islamist ideology “lack credibility.” In his critique, Admiral Mullen wrote“we need to worry a lot less about how to communicate our actions and much more about what our actions communicate,”. Well-said. But if I may add, the United States must also worry about what its "lack of action" communicates.

Back to the State Dept. spokes' statement which talks about negotiations. Excuse me?


What negotiations?

Negotiations can only happen between EQUALS ... otherwise ... Negotiations can only lead to more failure and more frustration. Any college freshman studying the concept of negotiation understands that negotiations are bound by the balance of bargaining power between the negotiating parties. So, what exactly should the Palestinian side use as bargaining cards?

When the world expects defenseless Palestinians to stand alone and negotiate with Israel, which is armed to the teeth with WMD, Nukes and what have you, the world would be making a big mistake.

But also when Hamas thinks that its random rockets fired indiscriminately at Israeli towns and villages, possibly injuring or killing civilians, including school children, will help its cause or serve its people, Hamas would also be making a great error by resorting to terror.

Peaceful resistance.

That is the only way forward. It worked before in the past in Eastern Europe, Berlin and India and it shall work again in the future provided that we, the World, people and governments, support the oppressed and realize that peaceful resistance is the duty of every citizen of this earth and not just those directly affected.

Peaceful resistance, however, takes more courage and effort than passive resistance. This is why I do not like or use the term "passive resistance" and much prefer "peaceful resistance". Maybe this is what is wrong with us. We should abandon "passive resistance" and start working on "proactive peaceful resistance".

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