Sunday, January 29, 2012
عن احكام إعادة شركات الخصخصة لملكية الدولة - عايزنا نرجع زي زمان - قول للزمان أرجع يا زمان
ممكن الحكم يكون بسداد فروق أو غرامات أو تغيير نسب بسيطة في الملكية لكن عايزنا نرجع زي زمان - قول للزمان أرجع يا زمان
المقصود ان فيه أمور تتعقد بمرور الوقت ويصعب عكس مسارها
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Revolution, One Year Young
The Revolution Alive and Kicking
Despite Desperate Attempts to Contain it
After one year of its magnificent birth, the Egyptian Revolution proves it is just getting started. It is one year old, or rather, one year young. During that year it proved itself to have become like a force of nature. It has become like the wind or the sea. Disbanding parties or organizations, jailing activists, defaming the movement and demonizing revolutionaries will not stop it more than catching some air in a balloon or removing a wind sleeve pole would prevent the wind from blowing.
The millions who came out on Jan 25th 2012 and the days that followed, prove one thing: the Revolution is still alive and kicking in the hearts and mind of millions.
The young people have seen the light. No one can take that away from them.
The Collective Mind Lives on.