"Friends" of Israel are leading her to a path of national suicide. By providing impunity, and by denying the rights of Palestinians for 76 years, Israelis must come to the conclusion that they are right. But since they are NOT, as certified by hundreds of UN resolutions - since they continue to occupy, oppress, dispossess, ethnically cleanse and murder Palestinians, while stealing their land and water, humiliating them, caging them in an apartheid regime, denying them citizenship or rights, erasing their history and pretending that they don't exist and had never existed.
Now, if you were a Palestinian under these deplorable conditions, you would resist and revolt. Come what may. Israel has only one response, more violence, killing, demolition and dispossession. In the words of Soffer, Israeli demographer and geostrategist:
"We have to kill and kill and kill, all day, everyday." https://www.jpost.com/features/i-didnt-suggest-we-kill-palestinians
In the "Mowing the lawn" practice, every round of pogroms brings more death and destruction than the last, until there will come a point, where the whole world will rise, unable to tolerate the slaughterhouse any more.
Inside Israel, people are led to believe that Palestinians are terrorists who love violence and hate Jews more than they love their children. No mention of Nakba or Palestinian land and lives stolen. No apology or attempts for reconciliation. So, many Israelis cheer and ask for more and more killing of Palestinians and now demand genocide. The progressives demand ethnic cleansing as used starting 1948 and thereafter.
This spiral has one end. It's like being on a runaway train going downhill. The end is not goin to be pretty for anyone including friends and even bystanders.
What can be done now?
Try to stop the runaway train if you dare to and reverse course.
Arms embargo. No-fly zone. Sanctions. Full accountability. Arbitrated (not negotiated) settlement imposed. Let's just hope that train can be stopped.
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Also See:
Haaretz Editorial | Israel's Path to National Suicide