We start at a Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Page on Facebook:
FJP is the "Political Wing" to the Muslim Brotherhood (as opposed to the military wing?)
Freedom and Justice Party, Helwan
Aug 14 at 11:52 pm
Facebook Page 15,717 Likes
The Pope [of the Copts] participates in unseating the first elected Islamist President.
The Pope accuses Islamist Shariaa (Law) of being backward and stagnant
The Pope sponsors Black Block groups to instigate chaos, cut roads, besiege and storm mosques
The Pope calls upon Copts to participate in June 30 demonstrations to remove the Islamist President
The Pope objects to [Constitution] articles enforcing Islamist Identity and withdraws from the Constituent Assembly
The Pope was first to support ElSisi's call to get a popular mandate to kill Muslims, with the result of more than 500 deaths today
The Pope sends a memo to the new [constituent] commission to abolish "Shariaa" articles [from the constitution]
After all of this: You ask, why are they burning churches?
Burning places of worship is a crime.
But for the Church to wage a war on Islam and Muslims is a worse crime.
Every action generates a reaction.
### End of Translation
Yet, in English - the Muslim Brothers say that they Denounce
attacks on Churches:
#Tukkia is the moral and religious
canonization of hypocrisy and #doublespeak - used by #MB - different external
& internal narratives
Muslim Brothers speak with one tongue
in English - describing a certain peaceful even victim narrative, yet, in
Arabic, incites its members with hatred towards committing acts of violence and
The American Embassy in Cairoexperienced that first hand when an Islamist Mob put it under siege in Sep
2012, when it replied to Muslim Brothers' fake tweet of solidarity: We also
follow your Arabic tweets.
When Morsi was criticized for
revoking his Presidential oath, some #MB came out saying, he swore to a
different oath internally - and as a result - he in not in breach of the oath!
Hypocrisy and double-speak is
necessary when the Brotherhood plays the Victim PR Strategy yet kills and burns on the ground according to a "Scorched Earth Strategy". For PR, it tries to get asmany corpses as possible by pushing its members to aggressive attacking
positions or using them as human shields where armed militants fire at police
fended by women, children and civilian protesters. On the ground, to destabilize Egyptian state, it must be on the offensive - burning churches, government facilities, killing people
and cutting roads.
How can they sustain both strategies
together: through lies, morally justified lies, Tukkia, or doublespeak.
And of course with the help of international media, who only show one side of the story: Corpses - and ignore or scacely cover MB terrorism and violence in Sinai, Upper Egypt, Cairo, Alexandria and everywhere in the country.