Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Egos of Demigods

To those

Claiming to Read

God's True Intentions:

Whose Religion is it


I often get someone saying, "These are the core teachings of our religion, take it as is or leave it." I don't know. Who died and left them sole defenders of the faith! Why do they have the right to tell me what this or that religion is and what it is not? Under what authority? Did they obtain some affidavit from God empowering them to act on His behalf in deciding what He really meant in the scripture and whether what came in the scripture is subject to adaptation to fit time and place and future circumstances?

Where does this monopoly over understanding, solely so, God's true intentions come from? How can they claim to have the sole ability to read God's mind? I mean, is there any power of attorney or a certified letter which exclusively appoints one person, a morshed, or a spiritual "guide", to come out in fantastic confidence and say, this is what God intended for you, humans, and I am sent to guide you to the path of righteousness lest you go astray? What happened to Allahu A3lam – or Only God Knows?

What is this arrogance of these self-appointed demigods who utilize every opportunity to enforce their fake dominion and fraudulent jurisdiction? I write against God-State, a state which would play God on earth, but now I must admit, that this God-State is only the political manifestation of the Giant Egos of men who believe themselves to be God. They are not happy being humans. They do not stand it that their opinion, voice or vote is equal to that of any other Hasan, Ahmed or Jo. No siree. They want their opinion to be the ONLY opinion valid and make illegal any other. They think that those who do not follow their lead should go to jail. This is the whole evil behind the God-State. Demigods with egos the size of Khufu Pyramid who want their word to be divine. Unbreakable. Irreproachable.

This is why they throw a cape of divinity upon their words. A cape of religion. To mask the truth and deceive the rest of us, the public, into thinking, in fact believing, that their pitiful words are none other than the very words of God himself, no less. But once you pick up that false cape, you realize the weakness of their logic and the earthly nature of their greed and ambitions. They long for wealth, power and fame just like everyone else. But their hunger is deeper. Their lust is intoxicating. So they do everything possible to get what they want. The only difference between them and the rest of the prize-seekers is that they do not want to play fairly or stand on the same starting line like everyone else. So, they use a little boost from something people revere and hold sacred. They use religion to advance their position in the race.

To all of those and particularly to their poor victims I say this. Religions are common property of all those who claim to be followers. A religion is not owned by anyone. A religion is a dynamic and living being. Followers and Scholars can have different views, interpretations and re-interpretations. Sunni, Shei3a, Mo3tazela, etc., all have different interpretations yet they all still called themselves Muslims. Catholics and Protestants and so many other sects call themselves Christians. If one person or institution tries to impose its understanding of a religion on everyone else by force, this person or entity will be then playing God. The one who plays God is the one who tries to force others to yield to his will. Otherwise, everyone is free to pick and choose which parts of a religion he or she believes in as is, which parts he or she is comfortable with and which parts need, in their view, reform or modification.

If one person, like Martin Luther, Mohamed Abdou or Gamal El Bana for instance, adopts different understanding of Christianity or Islam from the main stream, yet continues to call himself Christian or Muslim, who is there to stop him, with what authority and on what basis? They could sue them for infringement of Copyright Laws if religions were not too old to enjoy copyright protection and yet I do not think that copyright even applies here to cover something like this.

Reform and continuous development in religions is good for religions and can help in their survival. Things can either grow and develop or stagnate then DIE and DECAY. Fans and followers, you figure out which direction you want for yourselves.


1 comment:

nachoua said...

Well said Wael. Good job.

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