الجمعة، فبراير 11، 2011

Mubarak Leaks and Speech Designed to Aggravate the People and Push for Violent Confrontations with the Army to Abort the Revolution?

Do not fall for Mubarak's plan

He already sent the thugs and released the convicts

Now he raised the level of expectations by the leaks

Then came out delivering the most outrageous speech to enrage the protesters and set the stage for violent confrontations between demonstrators and the army

Beware of any infiltrators today amongst us who would start violence - even throwing a rock at the army

This is a peaceful revolution and must remain as such

The Armed Forces said they support the legitimate demands of the people

Now we demand that the Armed Forces would enact these demands

This will not be coup d'etat as long as the Army ensures that the demands of the people are met and that a transition government - perhaps a presidential council - is formed from 2 or 3 civilians  and 1-2 Army Chiefs

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