Monday, July 29, 2013

The Difficult Choice

Pro #Morsi sit-in at Nahda announced that AlQaeda and Salafi Jihadists have joined their "peaceful" sit-in 

  • the death toll will be much higher
  • risks of the country breaking apart
  • a full scale civil war will erupt
  • humanitarian disaster as 90 million people will suffer from disruption of basic services and supplies

The Two Evils

1. Fight Terror now - and live with the fact that there would be many casualties
2. wait - for 3 years or less - until the terrorists have partially or fully (depending on when eruption will happen) controlled the Army, Police, Intelligence, Economy, etc., either Iran style (full control) or Sudan Style (country splits) or Afghanistan Style (warlords rule cantons

At which time 

Which one would you choose my friend?

Which one did you think we should choose?

A quick reminder of how "Peaceful" the Muslim Brothers are:

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