Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy Shemu

كل سنة وانتم طيبين

بمناسبة أعياد القيامة

وشم النسيم

Building Alliances

هناك فرق بين الاندماج السياسي


واتفاق الحد الأدنى بين تيارات مختلفة


فوجئت ببعض أعضاء التحالفات الوطنية يأتي الآن ويطالب أن نتفق جميعاً على كل القضايا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والدولية والعربية والإقليمية وعلى فسخ معاهدات كامب ديفيد وغيرها قبل أن يكون هناك أي تحالف يهدف للتغيير، فهذا في الواقع يشبه سلوك الحكام العرب، ويضرب فكرة التوافق وفكرة التغيير - وهو عكس فكرة الديمقراطية التي تقوم على الاختلاف - ويبدو وكأنه يهدف لترسيخ فكرة نظام الحزب الواحد


ما علاقة التحول الديمقراطي بمعاهدات وقعتها مصر مع أطراف أخرى؟


قضية التحول الديمقراطي لابد أن تركز على بناء ملعب سياسي - دستور يرسخ الحريات والحقوق والمبادئ الأساسية وينظم العلاقة بين الحاكم والمحكوم وبين السلطات وبعضها البعض - هذا هو اتفاق الحد الأدنى



الملعب الديمقراطي يتيح لكل صاحب رؤية أن يقدم طرحه إلى الناخبين فيما بعد في أي قضايا أخرى خلافية


من المضحك أن يصبح نقد بعض سياسات عبد الناصر دليلاً على الخيانة والعمالة وكأن المفروض بنا أن نصفق لإلغاء الأحزاب، وتأميم الحياة العامة والصحف  والإعلام والاقتصاد والشركات والثقافة والكتب والأكاديميا والفكر واختزال السياسة في حزب واحد هو جد الحزب الوطني، ومصادرة العقل وتزييف الوعي المصري كل هذا لصالح مجموعة من أشباه المثقفين الذين قادوا مصر لأبشع الهزائم واستفادت منهم إسرائيل بأن تضاعفت مساحتها 4 أضعاف في عهدهم الميمون


ثم نأتي لتصنيف النخبة إلى نصفين، نصف من النخبة النقية ونصف آخر هو النخبة الوسخة المصلحجية، ما هذا الكلام الغريب؟


ليس هناك عيب في أن يعلن كل فريق عن مصالحه ومصالح الوطن من وجهة نظره ثم تأتي الممارسة الديمقراطية لتصل لاتفاق يحقق قدر من التوافق بين مصالح الوطن بكل طوائفه


لا أخشى ممن يأتي ويقول هذه هي مصالحي وهذه هي ثوابتي ولن أقبل بأقل من هذه لأنه يعلن عن نفسه وعن أولوياته بشفافية


أخشى من دعاة الرومانسية ممن يقول ليس لي مصلحة بينما مصالحه مخفية في أجندة سرية


التصنيف لأنقياء وأنجاس، وأنبياء وخونة،  وملائكة وشياطين، وليبراليين فوضويين تابعين للغرب وقوميين معصومين تابعين للرب - يتضمن نوعاً من الاستعلاء عندما يعطي كل منا الحق في إصدار الأحكام على الآخرين وكأنه إله أو شبه إله


هذه بالضبط هي نفس مشكلة نظام عبد الناصر، أن أراد أن يغتال كل الأفكار والاتجاهات السياسية المختلفة معه حتى يبقى هو فقط في الصورة بأفكاره التي لن نصفها بالخيانة أو العمالة لأي جهة، لكن نقول أن فكرة الحزب الواحد هي ما أدت بنا لهذا الوضع المؤسف الذي نحن فيه الآن



لابد أن نستيقظ ونترك هذه الممارسات الغريبة إذا أردنا العمل الجماعي بين أطياف مختلفة التوجهات.





Change Now – Sign the Petition

معا سنغير

بيان الجمعية الوطنية للتغيير



ورقم بطاقة الهوية (الرقم القومى-الجواز) الخاصة بى

وبريدى الإلكترونى(ان وجد)                                   ورقم هاتفى (اختيارى)

وهذة البيانات صحيحة تحت مسؤليتى.

أوافق على بيان الدكتور محمد البرادعى
"معا سنغير" الذى أكد فية ان باب الجمعية الوطنية للتغيير مفتوح لجميع المصريين داخل مصر وخارجها ،الذين يتفقون مع ضرورة التغيير بدءا بتحقيق الضمانات والإجراءات الأساسية لانتخابات حرة ونزيهة  تشمل جميع المصريين بحيث تكون هناك فرصة متكافئة للجميع سواء بالنسبة للانتخابات التشريعية أو الانتخابات الرئاسية، وأتضامن مع المطالب الواردة في البيان وفى مقدمتها:

1- إنهاء حالة الطوارئ

2- تمكين القضاء المصرى من الرقابة الكاملة على العملية الانتخابية برمتها،

3- الاشراف على الانتخابات من قبل منظمات المجتمع المدنى المحلى والدولى ،

4- توفير فرصة متكافئة فى وسائل الإعلام لكافة المرشحين وخاصة فى الانتخابات الرئاسية

5- تمكين المصريين فى الخارج من ممارسة حقهم فى التصويت بالسفارات والقنصليات المصرية

6- كفالة حق الترشح فى الانتخابات الرئاسية دون قيود تعسفية اتساقا مع إلتزامات مصر طبقا للاتفاقية الدولية للحقوق السياسية والمدنية وقصر حق الترشح للرئاسة على فترتين ،

7- التصويت فى الانتخاب بالرقم القومى

ويستلزم تحقيق بعض تلك الإجراءات والضمانات تعديل المواد 76 ،77 ، 88 من الدستور فى أقرب وقت ممكن، إنتهاء بدستور جديد يكفل لكل مصرى حقه فى الحياة الحرة الكريمة ويكون بداية لبرنامج إصلاح اجتماعى واقتصادى شامل، وبحيث يكون الشعب فى النهاية هو السيد والحاكم. وإذ أتفق مع ضرورة التغيير، أرفق صورة ضوئية من بطاقة الهوية الخاصة بى .


معا سنغير



ٍوقع الكترونياً هنا


Friday, April 02, 2010

Post Realism Five

Racing Against Time

as the

World Heads Towards Chaos

Wael Nawara

First Published May 2009

An eventual rift between the new US administration and the right-wing Israeli government may be inevitable. The Obama administration wants to be seen as reclaiming back its right to set the US foreign policy in the White House and the State Department and not in the halls and corridors of AIPAC conventions. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an American lobbying group, has advocated for pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive for more than five decades, often against, many would argue, American interests. Obama delayed his meeting with Netanyahu as not to coincide with AIPAC's gathering in a symbolic gesture that the American agenda is no longer at the mercy of the strong pro-Israel lobby. The lobby which had hi-jacked US foreign policy for decades is slowly being realized as a threat to US interests and indeed, although no one will dare to say that, to World Peace and Global Security at large. When Netanyahu meets Obama on the 18th May, he will have to present an Israeli vision towards peace, if indeed a serious one exists.

It is fair, yet unpopular, to say that the situation in Palestine and Israeli discourse for the past few decades fuels, if it is not directly responsible for, the chaotic situation in Pakistan, Iran, Gaza, Egypt and the developing worldwide clash between the West and Muslims. The West is seen to have blindly supported Israel with no regard to the indigenous people of Palestine, its neighbors and the Arab and Muslim worlds as a whole. With the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the bad situation in Iraq & Iran, Obama's administration is racing against time as the world heads towards chaos.

Israel itself faces a very uncertain future if it does not quickly resolve the Palestinian issue. Israeli negotiators have been too smart for Israel’s own interests, as they stalled for decades always demanding more from the defenseless Palestinian side while successive Israeli governments strived to change realities on the ground by building more settlements, erecting apartheid walls, confiscating homes, lands and seizing water resources such that the window for a viable two-state solution now has almost disappeared. The table will turn around soon and Israel will have to give many concessions in land, water, labor arrangements and other resources to resuscitate the dead embryo of a Palestinian State back to vitality.

Also See:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama heading for imposed Mideast settlement

See this Old Post

Vice President of the European Parliament Leaves UK’s Conservative Party and Joins Liberal Democrats

Great News to Liberals !


Vice President of the

European Parliament Leaves

UK's Conservative Party and

Joins Liberal Democrats (LibDems)



Yorkshire & Humber, UK,

Brussels, 26 March 2010

Dear friends, colleagues and former Conservative colleagues,

As you may know I have left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberal Democrats. Yorkshire & The Humber have not lost an experienced and senior MEP – but they have lost a Conservative. This is a brief explanation from me but if you want an independent view, go to Monday's Yorkshire Post article Own goal as Tories force out a decent man ( - also pasted below).
On March 5 the lawyers conducting my appeal against expulsion from the Conservative Party – for a stand of principle against David Cameron's new East European allies - received a letter which made it clear that the party had no intention of giving me a fair hearing at the final panel on March 18. The legal correspondence is on my website under Tory Troubles So on March 12 I withdrew from the appeal, resigned from the party and joined the LibDems.
From being a liberal Conservative I have become a conservative Liberal. I have known, liked and respected Nick Clegg since he was a trade negotiator for the EU – and then as an MEP. Unlike today's Tory party, the LibDems want Britain to lead in Europe, not leave Europe. David Cameron walked away from Europe's centre-right family and so, for example, he was not present when leaders like Angela Merkel discussed 'European Economic Governance' at this week's EPP pre-Brussels summit with José Manuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy.

The LibDems are a party of internationalists, not nationalists. I resisted several approaches to join but I need a political base, especially to carry on my work in human rights and democracy. I shall be working with their foreign affairs team, with people like Ming Campbell and Paddy Ashdown. I wrote about it in this week's issue of The Parliament Magazine
As we go into the Easter recess it is a time for rest and renewal – and time to prepare for the most interesting general election of our times. To the Conservatives I have worked with, many of whom I liked, I express my regret at this sad episode, which has damaged the party more than me.

Edward McMillan-Scott
Bernard Dineen: Own goal as Tories force out a decent man

Published Date: 22 March 2010

THE departure of the former leader of the Tory MEPs, Edward McMillan-Scott, to join the LibDems is a sad business. He hasn't "defected": he was forced out.

The trouble began when a would-be Palmerston in the Tory leadership decided to engage in European power politics. This juvenile exercise involved withdrawing from a mainstream EU group and joining a ragbag alliance of East Europeans.
At a stroke, it offended European conservatives and provided an excellent opportunity for the Left to smear the new "allies". Given the nature of recent East European history, that wasn't difficult. It was supposed to strike a blow against federalism; instead, it has proved a disaster.

McMillan-Scott, a respected Vice-President of the European Parliament, was ordered to stand aside to make way for a Polish politician – to the bewilderment of Tory voters, who could not understand this tomfoolery. McMillan-Scott did what anyone with a scrap of self-respect would have done: he stood again and won a resounding victory.
This was the point at which the Tory leadership should have cut their losses. Instead, he was expelled, in a manner worthy of the Workers' Revolutionary Party rather than the Conservatives. I don't know who has imported this nasty streak of intolerance into the party but I don't like it.

This is not the only piece of stupidity. Another brainwave was to give valuable support to President Saakaghvili of Georgia, a man who nearly caused a major war by launching a brutal assault on Georgia's Russian-speaking province, which gave the Russians an opportunity to intervene.

The blunder was compounded by welcoming the hotheaded fool as guest of honour at the Tory Party conference. Who is taking these decisions?

This whole episode is a piece of unnecessary, self-inflicted damage at a time when the party should be concentrating on winning the next General Election.

I am at the opposite end of the EU spectrum from McMillan-Scott. I abhor the idea of a federal Europe. I think the EU has become a swollen bureaucracy which infringes our national sovereignty. I believe it has expanded beyond all reason. The plan for a host of EU ambassadors who would usurp the authority of nation states is the latest threat.
I know McMillan-Scott only slightly, but over the years I have met hundreds of people who have had dealings with him. Without exception, they have spoken of his transparent decency and courtesy. The list of people and organisations that he has helped in this region is endless. He has respected other people's views and never sought to push his own down others' throats.
If there is no room for men like McMillan-Scott in the Conservative Party, it says more about the present leadership than it does about him. No one was more Eurosceptic than Margaret Thatcher but she worked with colleagues like Ken Clarke because she was a realist, and she had no intention of destroying the party.
The Tory Party is either a broad church or it is nothing. Only a few years ago, it nearly tore itself to shreds with squabbles about Europe. Some of the sour comments about McMillan-Scott now make me think the lesson still hasn't been learnt.
These people should get it into their skulls that the only way of preserving Britain's independence against an encroaching EU is to get into power. And there is no chance of getting into power with a disunited party. In short, they should belt up.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

NAL & ELDR Joint Statement on Immigration

Joint Statement between

Network of Arab Liberals (NAL) and

European Liberal Democrats Party (ELDR)

Regarding the Issue of Immigration

We, Liberals from Europe and the Arab world,

  • Sharing liberal values of Equality, Respect for Human Rights, Democracy and common humanity;
  • Having realized the shared concerns and the numerous challenges that we face including:
    • continued regional conflicts that threatens our security and well-being and restricts the natural development, prosperity and opportunity;
    • pollution and environmental issues that threatens our well-being and sustainability;
    • educational issues, poverty and economic crisis that threatens social development and individual liberties;
    • xenophobia, extremist forces and lack of inter-cultural dialog that undermines integration and gender equality.

Believe that:

  • Immigration is a natural phenomenon and has contributed to the progress of human civilization especially when globalization has in the last few decades increased mobility across borders;
  • Yet, massive rates of immigration beyond the ability of one society to successfully integrate the new comers, may pose many problems at local levels.

And further believe that effectively facing these challenges requires continued cooperation between both sides on the Mediterranean on the issues of immigration, and have convened in Rabat on 27th March 2010, having deliberated the issues, agreed to the following joint recommendations:

  • Emphasize the importance of protecting the human rights of migrants;
  • Call upon European States to balance between security considerations and issues of development;
  • Cooperation between European and Arab States in order to develop legal channels of immigration and raise awareness amongst prospective immigrants regarding labor market needs, legal, social and cultural issues related to immigration;
  • Call on Arab Countries and other countries of origin to focus on the issues of Development, Education, Democracy and Human Rights creating opportunity and hope for their people;
  • The need to work diligently on the just resolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict;
  • Call on the Liberal Parties in Europe and the Arab world to spread liberals values which truly provide lasting solutions for problems related to migration, radicalization and spirit of conflict, giving way to common understanding, tolerance and cooperation;
  • Call on Mediterranean countries to work towards realizing Union for the Mediterranean Initiative and other projects for cooperation and mutual development.

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