Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bahaei Virus, Swine Flu & Religious Hysteria

مجلس الشعب يطالب

بتجريم الفكر البهائي وإعدام الخنازير!!

المشهد الأول:

مجلس الشعب يصدر

توصية "ملزمة" للحكومة بإعدام الخنازير!

ما صدقوا سمعوا عن انفلونزا الخنازير وفي 48 ساعة طلعوا توصية بإعدام الخنازير، رغم عدم ظهور المرض في مصر !

يا ترى الدافع هو الحرص على الصحة العامة ولا كره حيوان الخنزير المسكين بسبب الهوس الديني؟

طيب ولما تحصل وفيات من الإنفلونزا الأسيوية حنعمل إيه؟

حنعدم كل الأسيويين؟

ملحوظة: مصر هي الدولة الوحيدة في العالم التي ظهرت فيها الدعوة لإعدام كل الخنازير، ليس الخنازير المصابة أو الخنازير الموجودة بمزارع بها خنازير مصابة أو بالقرب من مزارع بها خنازير مصابة، ولكن كل الخنازير!
أنا مش معترض على نقل المزارع خارج الكتلة السكنية، أو تصحيح أوضاعها الصحية والبيئية، أو التنظيف أو الرعاية الصحية أو الرقابة البيطرية - كل ده واردإنما قتل 300 ألف حيوان بدل نقل المزارع؟ لا يمكن أن أضحك على نفسي وأتجاهل أن المحرك للقرار هو كراهية عميقة لدى الأغلبية لحيوان أصم واحتقار في اللاوعي لمن يأكلونه أو يربونه.

Egyptian Parliament demands killing of all pigs! Not infected animals, or animals in or near farms where disease symptoms are suspected, but ALL ANIMALS?

I hate the way these pig farms are operated - have been operated - for decades. The right decision would have always been to relocate to new areas out of the city with improved hygenic conditions and tight medical supervision. However I can NOT fool myself but see this in the context of deeply-rooted hate for the poor animal and negative feelings against those who eat it. Another facet of our religious hysteria.


المشهد الثاني:

مجلس الشعب يطالب

بتجريم "الفكر" البهائي

"اليوم السابع: وسط تحذيرات برلمانية من انتشار الفكر البهائى داخل مصر، طالبت اللجنة المشتركة من الدفاع والأمن القومى والشئون الدينية بالبرلمان المصرى بإصدار قانون عاجل يجرم الفكر البهائى ومحاكمة المروجين له ... "


لجنة مشتركة من الدفاع والأمن القومي والشئون الدينية؟

طبعاً حرصاً على السلام الاجتماعي، شوفتوا العضو المحترم شكله مسالم ازاي في الصورة؟

طيب تجريم "الفكر" البهائي إزاي يعني؟

حيجيبوا جهاز كشف الفكر البهائي؟

يقعدوا "المتهم" بالفكر الوحش ويعملوله مسح ذري على دماغه ولو الجهاز حس بنشاط بهائي يصفر؟

دا بدل ما يقبضوا على المجرمين اللي حرقوا بيوت البهائيين وشردوهم؟

ولا يمكن الحرق ده كان عشان مواجهة الفيروس البهائي؟ زي انفلونزا الخنازير كده؟

Egyptian Parliament demands incriminating Bahaei "Thinking".


Many readers who usually like what I write, will not like what I wrote here. To all of you I will tell this. You most certainly will one day dislike what I say.

You will not always like what I write. Because I will always write what I believe to be right. And that is always bound to upset someone else!

Monday, April 27, 2009

If Pakistan Falls

If Pakistan Falls

Wael Nawara

The recent events in Pakistan force me to contemplate a theoretical question: What happens if Pakistan falls into the hands of Taliban or other extremist factions? This 173-million-people country possesses nuclear capability but the nation is largely divided between seculars and extremists. Taliban raised fears in Pakistan by seizing control of the Buner district close to the capital Islamabad and imposed what they consider as “Sharia’a Law”. Scenes of a public flogging of a 17-year old girl on the hands of Taliban early this month alerted the world to the threat. A Washington Post editorial on Sunday said that the Obama administration’s public warnings of Pakistan’s collapse caused panic. Clinton had used the term “existential threat” describing the situation perhaps to urge the Pakistani government to take action. “In the course of three days, the US secretaries of state and defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the commanding general of American forces in the Middle East all publicly warned, in blunt and dire language, that Pakistan was facing an existential threat – and that its government and Army were not facing it,” the newspaper said.

President Asif Zardari’s government officials tried to play down the threat. But it seems that they are afraid that massive confrontation could spark off a wide civil war which the Pakistani army maybe unable to win. “The Threat is certainly real,” it said, however, and the Pakistan Army – “untrained in counterinsurgency and rigidly focused on India” – is either “reluctant to take on” the Taliban or “mostly ineffective”. But as Taliban forces expanded from Swat into the adjacent district of Buner, 100 kms from the capital, the United States made clear that it would attack Taliban forces in their Swat valley stronghold unless the Pakistan government stopped the militants’ advance towards Islamabad. But the key to this war is not the army. It is the divided nation of Pakistan. Like most other “Islamic” countries, Pakistan is divided between the modern and the old. Between the moderates and the fanatics. The seculars and the extremists. The key is how to develop a new cultural balance which will allow both to co-exist peacefully, before a de facto civil war erupts in all of these “Islamic” countries.

In 1947 there were only 189 madrassas or Islamic Schools in Pakistan. By 2002 the country had 10,000-13,000 unregistered madrassas with an estimated 1.7 to 1.9 million students. A 2008 estimate puts this figure at "over 40,000". So, these schools have collectively produced millions of Pakistani graduates who were taught in these “Islamic” schools which mostly teach extremist versions of Islam. Many of those “graduates” become radicalizing elements within their local societies. They command respect and influence people around them. Although you may meet many moderate Pakistanis, I have to admit that I was shocked to observe that some Pakistanis have developed some of the most extremist Islamic interpretations present today. Many of these extremist Pakistanis now live in Britain or other European countries where they teach or preach in local mosques and Islamic centers. Many others mingle with the population and spread their message amongst immigrant communities or Muslim minorities often feeling socially or economically excluded in their new societies.

If Pakistan falls, could this event trigger the official start of a formal World War III? I think the War or skirmishes of such had already started some time in 2001. But if Pakistan falls, knowing the situation in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Gaza, Sudan and Yemen, then we have a very unstable position stretching on a potential battlefront covering many thousands of kilometers. Many other countries, Arab, European and otherwise, have large populations of Muslims ranging from moderates to fanatics. Which side are they going to take? And if more wars are to break out, will this trigger internal stability and radicalization in countries such as Egypt which are still dominated by “Moderates”, such that extremists will take control or gain increasing power? Has the self-fulfilling prophecy of Armageddon finally come to fateful realization? Extremists on both sides have the Armageddon “promise” in their mythology. Each believing that their “own God” will come to their rescue and guide their troops to the path of victory. But what the rest of us can see, is a trail of blood and destruction. Is there an end to this madness?

How does a right-wing-governed Israel fit into this picture? Israel and its atrocities in Palestine is often seen as “the” most potent fuel for radicalization and a major cause of the rise of extremism amongst Muslims around the world. But will the new US administration be able to talk the right-wing Israeli government into a peaceful settlement of a century-long conflict? A settlement with whom, when the Palestinian house is divided? Will such a solution come in time? What pressure can the US exercise over Israel? What is the impact on the internal US political scene?

Meanwhile, the needle of the radicameter in Pakistan as well as in many other places is pushing into the red. And the clock is ticking.





Related Stories:

From The Times
April 27, 2009
The threat that forced a fight


Taliban bar Pakistan army convoy as tension grows

From The Sunday Times
April 26, 2009
Stop the Taliban now – or we will’
The US got tough with Pakistan as terrorists moved to within 60 miles of the capital

Pakistan Daily Times
US public warning of Pakistan collapse has risks

Pakistan Daily Times
PML-N asks Sufi Muhammad to disarm Taliban\04\27\story_27-4-2009_pg1_6

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreak in Mexico

انفلونزا الخنازير في المكسيك

Swine Flu Outbreak in Mexico

There is a potentially serious outbreak of Swine Flu in Mexico which may be spreading to other countries. US Center of Disease Control CDC, has not yet warned travellers to Mexico to avoid this destination but CDC is closely monitoring the situation.

As many as 1,000 potential cases are suspected in Mexico and 81 deaths may have been related to the spread of the virus. Only 20 deaths are confirmed to have resulted from contracting the virus in Mexico where face masks are being used to try to avoid the spreading of the outbreak. Local authorities have empowered health officials with emergency powers to try to face the threat. Emeregency measures included shutting down schools and events with large gatherings. Eleven cases are suspected in the US. Other cases are suspected in France, Newzealand and other countries, mainly in travellers coming back from Mexico.

Wash your hands and avoid contact with potentially infected persons or animals.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reform: The Missing Ingredients

Commentary on WSJ Article Titled:

The Missing Ingredients


Wael Nawara

After 23 years of stagnation and confused economic policies, the regime in 2004 started to introduce some liberal economic policies which the liberal opposition has been demanding for many years. This may have been too little and too late. The effectiveness of such economic "reforms" is very low because:

· Lack of political reforms. Economic reform must be accompanied by political and social reforms to work.

· The regime's legitimacy has eroded to critically low levels. The regime only survives by relying on the Security forces.

· Absence of an overall vision with any level of local support. Egyptians are in a state of despair and confusion. People feel lost. They see no direction or future. The only hope for most is to immigrate or find a job in the gulf.

· Zero level of trust between the people and the regime

· Zero credibility which the regime has - people heard so much for so many years, why should they believe it now

· Wide corruption, abuse of power, monopolies within the regime and in the ranks of the very same people who are supposed to be introducing reform policies and legislations.

· Lack of legislative or administrative reforms.

· High level of bureaucracy and the very slow tempo of doing business with the government which still controls every aspect of life.

· Egyptians live in the Parallel State, the informal economy, parallel education, parallel justice, parallel medical care, parallel security, parallel political organizations, etc. Etc. Etc. This has rendered the formal state of little relevance.

The NDP has managed to give "liberal" policies a BAD name amongst Egyptians who now think that Liberalism is equal to business people manipulating the political scene to advance their lucrative monopolies. In light of current affairs, Egyptians has come to see privatization as means for the regime to "sell out" State-owned assets which are being given away at a fraction of their value to front-men, protégés and those willing to pay the highest bribes or commissions.

I am in opposition. In fact I am the head of the executive board in El Ghad Liberal Party. I even ran the Presidential Campaign for our party in Egypt’s first ever multi-candidate presidential elections in 2005 where our candidate, Ayman Nour came second. I, however, wrote in Al Masry Al Youm Daily, Egypt’s leading independent paper, in support of Ahmed Nazif’s policies in 2004 and 2005. I even wrote in El Ghad newspaper also supporting Nazif’s economic reforms. Simply because we had drafted many of these reforms in our own party agenda published in 2003. I even wrote in Al Masry Al Youm in 2005 about Gamal Mubarak, basically saying, yes, his position as a son of the President realistically allowed him to introduce some reforms, but this very fact is a sign of the inadequacy of the political system and the regime. Gamal may be a promising strategist, but if only the son of the President can advance certain policies, this is no longer a republic.

What needs to be done at the moment is to create a dialogue immediately and reach consensus not on economic policy, but on how to install a political process. This has a higher priority for the sake of medium-term stability which is a necessary condition for any economic reform to happen or continue to happen.

See Original Article By: Yaroslav Trofimov

Monday, April 20, 2009

Venusian Day

If Only (2004)

Movie Review

*** This Review May Contain a Spoiler ***

I liked the romantic thread, the sliding-doors flavor and the idea that one can have a chance to change tragic life events. The movie’s idea of change was to come up with something even more tragic. The ending was pretty heroic, probably unnecessarily so. Never mind the limited acting talent of the lead actors. The only one who did some real acting was the taxi driver,
Tom Wilkinson.

This is not why I am writing this review. I am a bit puzzled by the length of the last day. They woke up, had breakfast, he went to work, then went to a hotel to give a presentation, then went to the pub, went to their apartment, went to her friend's apartment, went to Zinc gallery, then took the train to some distant location which could only be the Lake District, 4 hours away by train each way, climbed a mountain, went into a cabin, lit up the fire, went to a pub, took a walk over a bridge, took the train back to London, took the underground, went to London "I", went back to their apartment, changed, went to the photocopier's place, all of that and a few other small details, then had time to "show up" in her 7 o'clock graduation concert.

What kind of day is that? A day on Planet Venus **?

** A Day on Planet Venus is longer than its Year! A day on Venus takes about 243 earth days while a year on the same planet takes about 224 Earth days!

I Remember Shamu

I Remember Sham El Nessim

I remember that my mother would wake me up with the Strong Smell of an Onion, freshly cut in half! She would place the freshly cut onion near my nose ... so I would breathe in the smell and of course wake up ! Sometimes, it was my uncle who did it. My uncle usually would usually wake up quite late. But not on Shamu. He would come up early in the morning on that day, perform the "onion fright" ritual and then we would all go out.

I suspect that this tradition she inherited from her mother and my grandmother, Aziza, from fayoum, from her mother and so on ... I think this symbolized a process of driving "evil" spirits away with the strong smell ...In a way, it is a sobering moment ... the strong smell sobers you up and you realize many things about life.

The food itself symbolized life, prosperity and death ... The eggs - colored with so many natural colors - we usually used herbs or tea leaves or onion peel to dye the eggsAn egg represents life ... or the PROMISE of life ... did colored eggs represent the diversity of lives each of us would lead? We loved coloring the eggs, the boiled eggs of course. Sometimes when there is a crack in the egg, the color would sneak in and paint a thin spider-web shap on the egg white. Some bread rings or "semeet" would be baked with colored eggs inside.

The food also included green leafs - such as Lettuce or Malana (Green Chickpea) or Termis or Foul Herathi (Green Beans) ... symbolized also life, prosperity and freshness of the spring and the Harvest to come ...

The salted fish ... a little like mumified bodies of the dead ... did they symbolize the after-life? or the preservation of life? Where one life was to enter our bodies and take yet another journey in the circle of life? That one day we also are mortals. Such that we must now enjoy life and always remember that we are mortals?

I am not sure what it all meant ... but it was a day of joy ... often public places were too crowded ... but it was a must to go out ... people would often go to take a ride on the Nile. Often there were accidents when boats were overloaded because of the crowds. The Zoo and Kanater Khayeria were popular destinations which we never dared to visit on that day.

I remember that religion was important ... in the sense of the values of goodness, kindness, compassion and love ... not in the sense of exclusion, hatred, external costumes or fake facades ... Mothers ... women of Egypt, played an important role in preserving the culture and the language ... when the language was banned ... mother spoke the beautiful natural words of the land in the ears of the youngsters - and reminded them of the traditions ... my mom always spoke about the seasons and the weather in terms of the Egyptian months ...Amshir and Hatour and Keyhak etc.

Celebration of Shamu must have been the most vivid ancient tradition to survive. The Nile Day, or Wafa'a El Nil is no longer celebrated, it is only Shamu that survived. Thanks to our mothers ...

We must remember ...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter -
Remembering Shamu


Happy Easter Twice


تهنئة خاصة بعيد القيامة
نهنئة خاصة بشم النسيم
Sham El Nessim

عيد مصري خالص

نحتفل به منذ أيام القدماء

علمتنا أمهاتنا تقاليد الاحتفال به

رغم تباين أدياننا

إلا أن عيد شم النسيم هو عيد لنا كلنا

كل شامو - عيد القيامة - عيد الفصح - شم نسيم وانتم جميعاً ومصر بخير

Remembering Shamu (Shemu)
الأصول المصرية لعيد القيامة وشم النسيم


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