Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NCA Tele-Conference

Cairo panelists Skype into NCA

By Joseph Leahy – November 19, 2011

Two voices of the Egyptian revolution Skyped in to the NCA today, sharing their experiences of deposing an autocratic regime and providing a model of non-violent protest for other political activists in the Arab-speaking world.

Ashraf Khalil (right) and Wael Nawara (center) asses the prospects for a peaceful transition of power in Egypt. The panel was moderated by Temple University professor Herbert W. Simons.


Ashraf Khalil a Cairo-based journalist and Wael Nawara, the president of the Arab Alliance of Freedom and Democracy provided personal accounts and analysis of the dilemmas and strategies of leading political actors as Egypt looks forward.

"This has been only half a revolution," said Kahlil. Since the massive public uprising, followed by the military coup that deposed Hosni Mubarak, Kahlil said one of his greatest concerns was seeing the military relinquish its power.

"I've never understood why the Egyptian people trusted so much this institution that Mubarak built up over so many years and that greatly benefitted from him."

Wael said he saw the Egyptian uprising as part of a wider global movement. Though there was no direct link, he drew a connection from the Arab Spring to the current Wall Street protests.

"They are challenging the same power structure," he said.

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