Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is Gallant Asking Netanyahu to Resign? A Change in Government may Come Sooner than Later in Israel

Israel defense minister Yoav Gallant holds news conference 

Gallant words are alarming (Watch from 10:40, you can turn on the auto captions (cc) and select English subtitles from the Settings. It's not accurate, but you will get the picture):

This is our duty and responsibility to lead the country to a better place NOW. The State must make difficult decisions by prioritizing the national consideration over any other consideration, even if it involves personal or political costs (is he asking Netanyahu to resign?) This is a moment of national test. The people of Israel are looking up to us and expect us to make the right decisions.

Change in government may be imminent in Israel after Galant, Minister of Defense, rejects Netanyahu's unrealistic goals & aligns himself with Biden's vision. Israeli army has suffered huge losses (apparently unprecedented since the beginning of the war) in the last 48 hours and the situation is untenable.

Gantz is the likely successor, possibly through a vote of no confidence - which requires no elections. There will be trouble with Ben Gvir & Smotrich who are leading the Great March to enact the "Final Solution" through ethnic cleansing of Gazans into Sinai desert. But Egypt declared this a RED LINE.

As predicted, Israel's plan has failed. But what comes next will depend on whether Gallant-Gantz alliance will be able to control Ben Gvir and his armed militias.
If they fail, Israel could be facing a civil war. In a way, the government is not 100% in control nor is it exactly unified.

While one part of the government attempts to help food and aid go into Gaza to keep their promises to the Americans (in order to maintain the flow of arms shipments, much-needed by the army which is facing unprecedented losses), another part (Ben Gvir et al), are supporting settlers who are vandalizing and burning the aid trucks.

The coming days may be carrying big changes. But we have to wait and see.

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