Thursday, January 06, 2011

One Nation - One Destiny

الفنانة المبدعة عزة بلبع تشارك في وقفة بالشموع أمام كنيسة كليوباترا - مصر الجديدة

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Silent Stand with Candles

وقفة بالشموع عند تمثال عمر مكرم - ميدان التحرير الآن

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Explosive Rumors

الإشاعات المتفجرة

قنبلة المنيا اتضح انها علبة صغيرة بها مسامير وليس بها أي مواد متفجرة
 عدا الإشاعة نفسها

Menya bomb turned out to be a small can with nails, nuts and bolts.
There were no explosives involved except of course the rumor itself.

Daily Kite

هلال بشرطة

تعانق الهلال والصليب معا لفتة طيبة 

 لكن هل نريد أن نختزل الوطن في رموز دينية؟

 ماذا نفعل إذا هوجم البهائيون أو غير المتدينين؟

هل عندها نضع هلال بشرطة -) ؟

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Comment on Article: Amr Moussa Offers a Safe Exit

I really hope that end of the tunnel is near. Gamal chances of becoming the next president have been steadily shrinking since 2005. I think it would require massive rigging to try to pass that enterprise now.

About Egypt

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Comment on Article: Amr Moussa Offers a Safe Exit

As you say, the Pile of Corruption Charges is Sky-high ... With a few exceptions­, I doubt that it will be a good idea to start trying people for corruption because virtually everyone can be implicated­. The important thing is to move forward and start re-buildin­g the broken system which was built upon corruption­.

About Egypt

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Comment on Article: Amr Moussa Offers a Safe Exit

Thank you for pointing me to this interestin­g conversati­on you had with Moussa. I do agree with you, being the head of the Arab League lost him some credibilit­y, which may be one of the reasons the regime sent him into that direction in the first place. Yet, as you said, Moussa can achieve a remarkable some back as someone who both the regime and the opposition can relate to.

Getting to power is one thing and addressing the issues and deep problems of Egypt is another. I think the key task of anyone to come is to help Egyptians build a political process exactly to be able to debate these issues and answer these questions in a way that can claim to represent the will of Egyptians.
About Egypt

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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