Monday, February 12, 2024

A Temporary Safe Haven for Palestinians Inside Israel?

Netanyahu has been complaining that those who say Israel can't attack Rafah are denying him victory.

He insists that Israel must attack Rafah because this is where Hamas is now hiding (again).

He assures the world that he is keen on the safety of the Palestinian civilians.

And then his talking heads come on TV saying that Egypt should accept them "temporarily" since there are vast deserts which can accommodate them in Sinai.

Since Israel is so keen on the safety of civilians, why not take them into Israel, where original homes of the Palestinians are?

Isn't this easier than trying to push them into the desert of another country (Egypt), and be seen as committing the crime of Ethnic Cleansing using the threat of #Genocide, which Israel is being investigated for at the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

The merits for this are numerous:

  1. Letting Palestinians into Israel is easier, since this is a territory controlled by Israel
  2. It protects the Camp David Peace Accords/Treaty with Egypt which is against the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians into its territories
  3. This is where the Palestinians originally come from.
  4. Israel can have security control over that area

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