Showing posts with label extremism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extremism. Show all posts

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Sum of all Evils

هيه مفاجأة يعني؟

رؤية غائبة
نظام استبدادي احتكاري شاخ من عقود طويلة
دروشة إعلامية
شيوخ التكفير في الفضائيات
فتاوي بتحريم تهنئة المسيحيين بعيدهم
مناهج تعليمية تؤصل الإقصاء وتحقير الديانات الأخرى (المحرفة) وسط سيطرة للمتطرفين
ميكروفونات تموج بخطباء غاضبين لاعنين يحضون على الكراهية والتكفير
جماعات دينية متطرفة تسيطر على المشهد السياسي والإعلامي بينما يوجه الأمن كل جهده لتطهير مصر من الليبراليين
تقصير أمني
إفلات المجرمين من العقاب في جلسات تصالح عرفية لتقبيل اللحى


وفي النهاية نتعجب من حوادث العنف الطائفي؟
ربنا يشفي

Thursday, January 07, 2010

El Ghad Denounces Attack on Christians in Quena

حزب الغد

بيان صحفى

عن حادث مطرانية الاقباط بنجع حمادى

.. ينظر حزب الغد بعين القلق تجاه الحادث الارهابى الخطير الذى تعرض له عدد من أبناء هذا الوطن ، أثناء مغادرتهم مطرانية نجع حمادى عقب صلاة قداس عيد الميلاد ، و الذى أسفر عن مصرع 6 و اصابة آخرين فضلا عن وفاة أمين الشرطة المكلف بحراسة المطرانية ..

.. يؤكد حزب الغد أن الحادث الأخير ما هو الا ذروة لتراكمات كثيرة بفعل أحداث متتالية سابقة ، و حوادث صغيرة ، لم تنجح الدولة بصددها فى المواجهة بأحكام القانون .. مما تنامى معه الشعور بضعف دور الدولة فى حماية مواطنيها و اعمال القانون على الجناة بدعوى المعالجات السياسية التى هى أبعد ما تكون لهذا الوصف و أقرب ما تكون للفشل بعينه و ذاته ..

.. حزب الغد يرى أن فهم الحادث الأخير لا ينفصل عن المناخ العام بالبلاد التى تعانى من حالة احتقان سياسى و اجتماعى و اقتصادى مزمن بفعل الاستبداد والفساد و الفشل و سيادة منطق اللاعدل و اللامساواة فى الحقوق و الواجبات بين أبناء الوطن الواحد ..

.. و يرى حزب الغد أن هذا التفسير لا ينفى مسئولية جهات الأمن عن ذلك القصور فى تأمين المطرانية فى وسط ميدنة نجع حمادى ، فى ليلة عيد الميلاد ، ولا يتعارض أيضا مع حقائق مؤسفة فى مقدمتها تزايد ثقافة العنف غير المبررة ، و غياب ثقافة المواطنة و الاستخدام غير الصحيح للدين من الأطراف المختلفة دون جهد حقيقى من المؤسسات و الاعلام لرد الدين لوظيفته الحقيقية صلاحا لأمر الناس فى الدنيا و الآخرة و سبيلا للتراحم و الاستقامة و الحرية و التقدم ..

.. حزب الغد يواصل مطالبه الدائمة بمواجهة الهم القبطى – خاصة – ضمن كافة الهموم المصرية الوطنية فى اطار منظومة أفكاره الاصلاحية الليبرالية الداعية للقبول بالآخر ، و التسامح الوطنى و الدينى ، و مواجهة العنف بثقافة الحرية !!

.. و اذ يتقدم حزب الغد بخالص التعازى لأسر الضحايا و لكل أبناء هذا الوطن يطالب بالآتى :

أولا : سرعة القبض على الجناة فى حادث مطرانية نجع حمادى ، و محاسبة المسئولين عن القصور الأمنى الفاضح فى تأمين مقر المطرانية بالصورة التى شف عنها الحادث المؤسف ..

ثانيا : سماح أجهزة الأمن للمتظاهرين أو المحتجين بمدينة نجع حمادى بالتعبير عن رأيهم فى حدود القانون و بالصورة التى تناسب ضرورة ادانة كل مواطن للحادث الارهابى الغادر ، و محاسبة المسئولين بوزارة الداخلية و فى مقدمتهم وزير الداخلية حبيب العادلى على الوقائع الخطيرة التى تمت ظهر اليوم التالى 7 يناير بنجع حمادى حيث أطلقت الشرطة الرصاص المطاطى على بعض المتظاهرين مما اصاب العيد من المواطنين بإصابات خطيرة فضلا عن وجود اكثر من 50 حالة إغماء و اختناق ، و يطالب الغد بإقالة وزير الداخلية بفعل مسئوليته التقصيرية فى تامين المطرانية و فى تداعيات الحادث المؤسف فى اليوم التالى كما يدين حزب الغد اعتقال بعض النشطاء و الحقوقيين و المصورين الصحفيين

ثالثا : يطالب الغد بالتوقف عن سياسة الموائمات و غياب المحاسبة القانونية فى كافة الحوادث الطائفية – أو ذات البعد الطائفى – مؤكدا على خطورة تغييب القانون أو تعطيله بدعاوى ساذجة ثبت أنها تفتح مزيدا من أسباب الجريمة و تحرض عليها و على الاجتراء على المجتمع و نظمه و سلامته ..

.. و أخيرا : و قبل كل شئ يطالب حزب الغد كافة الأطراف بضبط النفس و إعمال العقل و الحكمة و الحوار الحقيقى لمواجهة الأسباب المباشرة و غير المباشرة لهذا الاحتقان الخطير المتزايد فى الفترة الأخيرة ..

إن الغد يناشد عقلاء الأمة الدخول فى مكاشفة حقيقية للأسباب و مواجهتها فورا و قبل فوات الأوان ..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Virus Behind Fort Hood Shootings

The Virus Behind Fort Hood Shootings

How did Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a "calm" man according to his neighbors, became so mentally unstable to the extent that he would open fire on his own colleagues, killing 13 and injuring 38 before he himself is shot by an officer and incapacitated? Nidal, a Medical Doctor (Psychology) was born in the U.S. into a family from a Palestinian origin. He was a practicing Muslim. He worked as an army psychiatrist specialized in, believe it or not, disaster and preventive psychiatry.

It is too early to say, what really happened to Major Hasan to turn him from a mild-mannered man to an executioner capable of causing such havoc. The photo which is widely used for Nidal shows a grin, maybe even a smile. But behind the smile, what kind of emotional knotting went on in that man's head?

Was it the virus of radical religious ideas which haunt the heads of so many fanatics in our world today tampering with proper brain functioning and making victims incapable of using reason? Filling their heads with obsessive ideas and their lives with compulsive rituals that can eventually turn to violence and provide an urge to kill others in the name of god or as a way to fulfill some holy duty? A blog posting which Nidal may have written 6 months ago glorified suicide bombers. "Scholars (supposedly he meant Islamic Scholars?) have paralleled this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers." The officials say they are still trying to confirm that Major Hasan was the author of such internet postings.

Or was it the accumulation of humiliation and crushed self-esteem of an army major who founds his colleagues treating them as an inferior outsider? "There was racism towards him because he's a Muslim, because he's an Arab, because he prays," Nidal's cousin said in a CNN interview in the Palestinian city of Ramallah. Maintaining relations with his relatives in Palestine, did Nidal identify with their suffering and felt that U.S. backing of Israel stood behind their pain and so decided to send a bloody message to embody their ordeal? Was it rage, caused by the combination of all the above? Rage which over the years built up until it became too monumentous to contain or repress, so exploded in that bloody massacre hurting so many innocent others who casually happened to be in its way?

Or is it simply a case of one psychiatrist's professional fatigue? A psychiatrist who out of human compassion, got emotionally involved with the stories, horrors and problems of his patients, who left him a slice of their psychological disturbances, day in and day out, until one day his bag just got full and exploded?

After 9/11 and the launching of "The War on Terror", which reportedly he opposed, Nidal may have begun to develop an identity crisis. Here he is, making a living working for the war machine which started targeting people he identifies with, Muslims and Arabs. The peak of the crisis and possibly the trigger of the incident came when Major Hasan was told that he would be posted to Iraq within a month. This was possibly beyond his capacity to peacefully accommodate all these different loyalties. Is it actually wise to send a man to fight in lands where he identifies one way or another with the people he may have to kill, so to speak? Major Hasan, being a psychiatrist, is unlikely to engage in actual combat, but being in the field, on the American side, may have just proved intolerable for him.

Whether it is the radical religious ideas which can only be compared to a virus that self-replicates, blocking normal thinking pathways and rendering certain cognitive and reasoning skills idle; or a bug of conflicting loyalties, or a professionally-related nervous breakdown; the aftershocks of this incident may be as painful. In the days and weeks to come, the aftermath of the Fort Hood shooting tragedy will likely show us significant policy implications on the recruiting and periodical "psychological-scanning" of military personnel in the U.S. armed forces.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Brain Washing of Children


Kidnapped boys 'brainwashed' to die as suicide bombers


  • Boys rescued from the Taliban in Pakistan are receiving psychiatric help
  • They are abducted from their homes and are being trained for suicide missions
  • Psychiatrist says they have been brainwashed; fixing that will take time
  • Army hopes the boys can one day return to their homes

August 4, 2009 -- Updated 0307 GMT (1107 HKT)

By Stan Grant

SWAT VALLEY, Pakistan (CNN) -- The boys shuffle into the room in a remote army base high in the mountains of Pakistan's Swat Valley. They are disheveled, disoriented.

These boys say they were kidnapped by the Taliban and trained to be suicide bombers.

These boys say they were kidnapped by the Taliban and trained to be suicide bombers.

There are no smiles, their eyes stare at the floor. These are the lost souls of Pakistan's battle with the Taliban. (Read more on CNN).

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Ultimate Divide

The Ultimate Divide

And the Illusion of Armageddon

The recent events in Iran, Pakistan, Lebanon and even inside the United States, show that we are experiencing a deep divide in our world. You can see it and you can touch it. It affects elections like the ones we have recently seen in the U.S., Iran and Lebanon. It crosses boundaries of geography, ethnicity, religion or cultures. The new divide is not sectarian. We have seen in Lebanon that both the Hezbollah-led alliance and March 14 coalition both had Muslim and Christian factions as a part of each. This divide is not nationalistic. We have seen some right-wing American Neoconservatives publicly or secretly wishing that Ahmadinijad would win the elections so that a final confrontation between the U.S. and Iran would imminently draw near. Islamist fanatics also supported Ahmadinijad for what appears to be different reasons, but really it is because of the same motive. A quest for confrontation. A death wish for the bloodiest self-fulfilling prophecies of all time, Armageddon.

The new divide cuts deeply through our societies. It disrupts peaceful coexistence in our homelands and our world. It brings the threat of civil war closer to our towns and cities. It competes to control our media and our education systems. In one way, the new divide could be seen as being between the moderate and the traditional. The old and the new. Between the liberals and the conservatives. Between the fanatically religious and the secular. Between those who believe in changeable human laws and those who insist on following what they see as the timeless divine will of God. Between things we can debate and things which some consider to be unbound by time, place or logic. But ultimately, the divide is really between those who believe that our problems can be solved through dialogue, diplomacy, economic cooperation and even sanctions; and those who believe that war is inevitable. The divide is between those who believe that we, with all our differences can co-exist, and those who believe that it is either us or them. Between those who think that we can differ but still maintain amicable relations and those who think that either you are with us, the good, or you are against us siding with the axis of evil. The divide is between fear-mongers and promoters of xenophobia on one hand and those who simply believe that people are more or less the same everywhere on the other.

The national divide in Egypt, Lebanon or Iran is not a simple political disagreement within one agreed framework. It is often a disagreement on the nature of the framework which should govern agreements and disagreements. The debate in Washington about torture is not the result of a political disagreement. It represents a disagreement over a basic moral question, are the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights truly universal? Do Geneva conventions apply equally to us and to others? Are they only binding for others or are they binding for all of us? The same divide occurred a few years ago in the over whether or not the United States has the right to invade Iraq, without a United Nations mandate or a consensus from the international community. The problems in Pakistan are not caused by a minority or an isolated rebel group, they represent a national divide between a large portion of the population who supports or at least sympathizes with Taliban with its extremist and violently confrontational ideology, and moderates who want to resolve conflict through peaceful means and dialogue.

Needless to say, that the absence of an effective and fair International Justice System, stands behind the widening of this divide and the empowerment of the extremist ideology. When peaceful means failed and failed for decades, violence started to be marketed as a potentially more successful alternative.

The clash of civilizations assumes that a country or a group of countries belong to a distinctive civilization. Funny enough, the new roles of globalization weaken the validity of such classification. The truth is that the clash is happening within each society. It is a clash of mindsets. A clash of values and personal ideologies. The ideological commonalities cut across societies just like global market segmentation takes place. The clash, therefore, can be more accurately seen as a clash between those who believe in tolerance, diplomacy, peaceful struggle and would only consider war as a last resort in self-defense on one hand and those who believe in exclusivity, violent confrontations and pre-emptive strikes on the other hand.

The reason why many Israeli settlers refuse to leave their illegal settlements is because they believe that this land has been promised to them by God. Many Muslims also believe that they must control Jerusalem because of other religious reasons. During the crusades, Christian warriors believed they had to reclaim the holy land. Too many promises for the same piece of land. Muslims, Christians and Jews sadly have come to believe in Armageddon. The final war where God rewards the righteous, the faithful and the virtuous and delivers victory to his chosen people. The trouble is, each party believes that they are the chosen people. As soon as an attack on Gaza takes place, Muslim mosque preachers of the Friday prayers start telling the stories of Armageddon and how "a rock will tell the faithful that an enemy Jew is hiding behind it, so that the faithful can slay that enemy." Funny enough, the idea of Armageddon had no mention in the Koran and was most likely borrowed by late interpreters from biblical sources. Some Jewish sects and more recently Zionist Christians also believe in Armageddon with different intentions, to say the least. On the way to Armageddon, Islamist extremists, right-wing Neocon extremists, Zionist extremists, do all go hand in hand, till they arrive to the battlefield of course, there it will be a different story of which no one will live to tell. Perhaps Armageddon was once necessary as a potent psychological mobilization mechanism for survival in the past. But times have changed. Armageddon has become the scariest self-fulfilling prophecy of all times. But the good news is, as much as it is self-fulfilling it also is surely self-defeating.

The idea that there is a chosen nation, or a chosen people, or children of God, despite being so deeply rooted in the religious beliefs of Muslims, Christians and Jews is self-defeating because it gives moral justification to the notion that some of us are better or "more equal than others". The struggle of who exactly is better will continue to fuel war and conflict till doom's day, AKA Armageddon. One thing is for sure, Man, by his very nature seeks equality and freedom and rejects bondage and inferior treatment. Thus, ideologies which favor one race, one nation or one religion can fuel wars for centuries, but because Man ultimately seeks peace, safety, comfort and prosperity, these ideas are at the end self-defeating.

Armageddon, at least in the way it is currently being taught, is an illusion. Not because wars will never happen. Unfortunately we will witness wars every now and then. But the idea that Armageddon is a final war whereby one religion or one people will win an ultimate victory, military or otherwise, and then reign supreme happily ever after, as the world witnesses "the end of history", will just never happen. Wars, straight or asymmetric will just continue to erupt until a world order of equality and justice is established. Man will always seek freedom, dignity and equality and this will ultimately defeat Nazism, fascism and promoters of any sort of exclusive supremacy to any group, nation, race, religion or civilization.

But as for now, this divide will continue, until such time that the ominous promise of Armageddon is finally discredited.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hate-Mongers Panic

Obama Presents a Bold

Vision for Change to Come

Wael Nawara
Posted: June 5, 2009 11:20 AM

Obama Presents a Bold Vision for Change to Come


In his historic address to the Islamic World from Cairo, Obama demonstrated that he is more than a charismatic orator. He proved that he is a sensitive courageous world leader who has a vision for making peace and building a better world. Obama extended a steady hand of friendship to Muslims; with dignity, confidence and yet with sincerity and humility. He presented the challenges of having to jointly work together to build such better world. He recognized sources of tension, recent and historical, but he called for moving beyond the past, ending the viscous cycle of suspicion and discord and called for a new beginning. Obama made it clear that he rejected stereotyping against Muslims but he also expected Muslims to drop their stereotyping of the US as an empire which only seeks its self-interest. He cited the great contributions of Islam to human civilization but reminded Muslims with the great achievements of his own country, the United States of America.

As expected, Obama stressed his commitment to fight extremists and to withdraw from Iraq. He vowed to help Pakistan and Afghanistan economically. Obama, however, said things no other president, American or otherwise, has ever dared to say. For instance he spoke of his dream of ridding the world of nuclear weapons. He invited Hamas, an entity which is still on U.S. list of terrorist organizations, to take responsibility in uniting Palestinian people but demanded that it should desert armed resistance seeking just settlement through peaceful struggle. He also invited Iran for a new beginning without preset conditions, recognizing the negative role which the U.S. had played in overthrowing Mosaddegh's democratically elected government in the 50's.

On the issue of freedom of faith, Obama frankly mentioned the disturbing tendency amongst some Muslims to measure one's own faith by the rejection of another's and called for upholding religious diversity -- whether it is for Maronites in Lebanon or the Christian Copts in Egypt. What his eloquent speech did not say but indirectly implied, is that Muslims must pay more attention to what is being taught at their schools, preached at their mosques and communicated in their media. But the same message of tolerance should in fact also go to keen followers of Orthodox Judaism and Christianity; in Israel, the United States and the rest of the world.
Obama made it clear that the United States will not impose any specific form of democracy on countries of the region, but he affirmed his belief that basic human rights and freedoms are universal. He stressed that the United States will support countries which seek modernization and peaceful democratic transformation. He stressed his commitment to women's rights and listed a number of programs to empower women. He finally addressed the issue of economic cooperation and presented several programs designed to foster a spirit of partnership.

The speech was met with mixed reactions but there was a general consensus that his address was visionary, sincere, frank, fair, balanced and uplifting. He inspired his audience and left the people with hope that change is possible. He did not try to please the audience by only saying things they would like to hear omitting positions or commitments that may be problematic or unpopular. For instance he described U.S. bonds with Israel as unbreakable and accused those who question the Holocaust of being ignorant and hateful. More than 2,500 people present in the domed auditorium interrupted Obama's 55-minute speech thirty times with enthusiastic applauds then finally gave him a stand-up ovation as he was ready to leave the stage. The youth in particular received Obama's address with great enthusiasm. In the middle of the speech one member of the audience shouted, "We love you" and Obama responded spontaneously, "I love you too".

The event, which was co-hosted by Al Azhar and Cairo Universities, was held in the main auditorium of Cairo University. The huge hall which hosts three floors was almost full. The invitations of this event were hand-delivered by messengers acting on behalf of Egypt's Presidential Authority and included flags of the United States and Egypt on both sides of the card with Arabic text printed on one side and English on the other. The audience arrived at 10 a.m. but had to wait for three hours as President Obama's speech started at 1 p.m.!
The audience included Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister of Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Egyptian top officials, actors, celebrities, foreign diplomats, politicians, activists and students from Egypt and other Muslim-majority countries, in addition to staff of the US embassy in Cairo. A large number of Muslim and Christian religious scholars and leaders were seated in the front rows acknowledging the role which faith can play in making peace or promoting conflict in this part of the world where many people are keenly religious. The event received heavy coverage from local and international media organizations and Obama's entire visit was televised on air through several Egyptian TV channels, public and private. For the first time, Egyptian Authorities allowed bloggers to cover an event of this nature online.

Outside Cairo University was a small demonstration where mainly American and European protestors called on Obama to stop supporting Israel's siege of Gaza. This demonstration was obviously tolerated by the security forces in an effort from the Egyptian regime to remind Obama of the order of priorities! Shops and Kiosks in the area surrounding Cairo University were instructed to shut down for the day. Cairo streets, usually crowded with heavy traffic, were largely empty as most businesses and schools took the day off. On why the speech was scheduled for Thursday and not on Friday, which is the weekend holiday in Egypt, some speculated that the reason was to avoid potential angry riots organized by extremist Islamists which could have erupted following Friday's prayers springing out of the security authorities' control.

The audience, mostly Egyptians, loved Obama and admired his charisma. Obama used quotations from the Quran, Bible and Talmud several times. He showed depth in understanding the complex history and problems of the region. "He did not refer to the printed speech not even once!" many people made that remark, funnily enough, to add to Obama's legendary presentation skills. Most of the audience present in the auditorium or following the televised speech from home did not realize that Obama was reading the speech from transparent teleprompters strategically located on both sides in front of the podium. "Afla7 in Sadak" meaning "he will do well if he stays true to his words and delivers on his promises," this was another comment shared by many of those who followed the speech. They loved what Obama said and wished that there was a way to realize these aspirations of peace and prosperity.

His strong commitment for peace and human rights made one of the audience members say that "Obama is just too courageous! He is the bravest U.S. President since Kennedy. I hope he does not meet his tragic fate." Obama, however, stressed that building this desirable future must happen through partnership. That it is a joint responsibility and not a task that he or the United States can bring about alone.

Critics, including members of "Kifaya" movement, however, regarded Obama's visit as an attempt to bestow undeserved legitimacy over a repressive regime and saw Obama's speech addressing the Muslim world as no more than a PR stunt designed to deceive Muslims and Arabs. One day before his visit Obama had described Mubarak as a pillar of wisdom and stability in the region. "Kifaya," the word literally means "enough," which seeks to end Mubarak's 28-year authoritarian grip on power, viewed the visit and the address as a gimmick which aimed at distracting Arabs and Muslims from the fact that the United States main interests in the region are to guarantee Israel's security and supremacy and to ensure that the U.S. controls the region's vast oil reserves through oppressive regimes which are merely puppets dancing to US commands. Obama's speech was therefore weak on democracy and human rights by design. Some critics saw that the overwhelming enthusiasm with which Egyptians greeted Obama reflected a deficit in leadership in their own constituency and a longing for a Messiah who can deliver them out of their long suffering.

In the critics' eyes, Obama demanded that Palestinians give up armed struggle without promising any solid policy changes. Obama did not promise for instance to end an unnecessary U.S. tradition of blocking Security Council resolutions whenever the hint of blame was to be placed on Israel. This decades-long unfortunate tradition is seen as an American obstruction of international justice. As for helping to reach the desired end of a 2-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, what Obama had to offer was merely his "patience", thus possibly endorsing endless rounds of fruitless negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Obama confirmed his commitment to strongly oppose illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian lands. This position however, was not accompanied by material policies and consequences should Israel fail to observe international law. The United States placed very stringent regulations on fund raising which may be used to finance extremist Islamist organizations. Obama did not offer or contemplate any remotely similar regulations designed to block fundraising activities in the United States if the funds would be funneled to Israel to finance the building of illegal Israeli settlements. Currently these generous donations from unsuspecting U.S. citizens are used to rebuild even bigger settlements as soon as the Israeli government dismantles some, making a mockery of the American and Israeli administrations' commitment in this regard. Further, Obama did not address the issue of reforming the United Nations, the Security Council structure and its decision-making process or talk about his vision of erecting an effective international justice system at some point in the future.

Critics accuse Obama's speech of being low on substance. Merely a collection of words nicely put together. But words is what speeches are usually made of. Today's address, however, may provide a starting point for a switch of the mindset, a change of heart and a paradigm shift. The dialogue has just started and today's words can provide a new way of thinking our common problems and mutual interests. It may serve as the preamble of an informal collective contract in which each party, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis and Americans must play its role and honor its commitments and obligations.

At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. Everyone will be watching closely for signs of real change in U.S. policy in days and months to come. Muslims will expect results and actions. Only words were released today. Words which signify dreams of a better future. But if these words and dreams are embraced and nurtured, they can grow and blossom. These aspirations can guide a continued dialogue and set a road map for a better future. Actions and policies to follow, however, is what will make these words and dreams more than rhetoric and turn them into design specifications for a truly better world.

Hate-Mongers Panic
As Obama's Sincerity
Touches the Hearts
Of the People

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Extreme Wiring 2

كيف تتعرف على الأخ المتطرف

By: Wael Nawara



التطرف موجود بكثرة ووفرة شديدة والحمد لله ولا يستطيع أي شخص إلا أن يشكر جميع المسئولين وخاصة السيد الدكتور اللواء وزير التعليم على الضخ المستمر لأعداد غير محدودة من الإخوة المتطرفين في كل محفل. والتطرف ولله الحمد موجود وسط المتدينين وغير المتدينين، في صفوف المسلمين والمسيحيين واليهود والقوميين والشيوعيين، ولكن معظم فصائل المتطرفين تشترك في خصال وأورام حميدة وخبيثة متعددة، ومن طول معاشرة الأخوة المتطرفين ومعايشتهم في كافة المحافل والمستشفيات ودور العبادة ومقاهي وسط البلد، رأيت أن نتذكر ونتدارس بكل تقدير صفاتهم المتفردة، وذلك حتى تعم الفائدة على الجميع، ومن فاته التطرف يجتهد ليدركه، وعلى الله الأجر والثواب.

درس في التشريح

بالإضافة للصفات العقلية المتفردة للأخ المتطرف، يعاني المتطرف أيضاً من بعض التشوهات التشريحية والعقلية والبدنية مثل:

تصلب في العنق وفي مقلتي العين
يعاني الأخ المتطرف ربنا يشفيه ويعافيه من تصلب شديد وأحياناً تليف في عضلات العنق، وقد يصل هذا في الحالات المتأخرة إلى تكلس في فقرات العنق، ويظهر هذا في فقدان جزئي أو كلي للقدرة على تحريك المريض لرأسه ليرى الموضوعات من زوايا مختلفة، ورغم أن الطبيعة قد حبته بقدرة استدراكية (باك أب سيستم) ليحرك عينيه، إلا أن فيروس التطرف الخبيث يصيب أيضاً عضلات مقلتي العين، فيفقد المريض القدرة على رؤية أي شيء خارج زاوية محدودة ولهذا نقول أنه Tunnel Visioned فهو تقريباً مثل الأعمى ينظر في اتجاه واحد.

انخفاض في مستوى التحليل اللوني بما يصل لعمى الألوان
وبينما أنعم الله على البشر بقدرات فائقة في مجال رؤية الألوان والنور والظل، حيث يستطيع معظم الناس أن يميزوا بين آلاف الدرجات المختلفة من الألوان، ومن هنا نشطت حركة البيع والشراء في الدهانات والأزياء وفواتير الألوان التقليدية والمستحدثة، إلا أن المتطرف ربنا يشفيه يرى سلخة (شريحة) صغيرة من عجلة الألوان تحتوي على لون واحد واللون المقابل له في الناحية الأخرى من العجلة وهي ظاهرة القطبية اللونية الثنائية.

انخفاض في الذاكرة المتاحة LOW RAM Random Access Memory
في أجهزة الحاسب الآلي تنقسم الذاكرة إلى نوعين رئيسيين، الذاكرة المتاحة RAM والذاكرة المثبتة ROM، وهي التي تم برمجتها من قبل المصنع. ونظراً لأن الأخ المتطرف عادة ما يكون ضحية لأحد المبرمجين الذين يعملون من خلال التلقين على شحن مخ المتلقين بجرعات تكرارية من نفس الفلسفة أو الدوجما التي يقومون بتسويقها من خلال ضحاياهم وأتباعهم من المتطرفين والباعة الجائلين للصنف المغشوش المطلوب تسويقه، نجد أن معظم الذاكرة الباقية لدى الأخ المتطرف هي ذاكرة مبرمجة من قبل ROM أو Read-only-Memory أو الذاكرة المحروقةBurnt Chips وهذا قد يجعلنا نقول أن الشخص المتطرف عنده غسيل مخ Brain Wash، بينما في الواقع هو عنده حرق في المخ لتعرضه لجرعة تكرارية زائدة من نفس الصورة أو اللون، بما يتسبب في حرق خلايا التفكير.

وعلى سبيل المثال، فشاشة الصراف الآلي ATM Machine Screen نجدها محروق فيها تقريباً الشاشة التقديمية Welcome Screen لأنها تبقى لفترة طويلة على الشاشة، وبالتالي فإن الحبيبات التي تتكون منها الشاشة يحدث بها حرق جزئي على الصورة المستخدمة في الشاشة التقديمية، وهذا ما يجعل شركات الكومبيوتر تضع سكرين سيفر Screen Saver لتجنب أن تصاب الشاشة بهذا الحرق الدائم فتصبح مثلها مثل المتطرف غير قادرة على استعراض الصور المختلفة بنقاء وحيادية.

بالمناسبة، طبياً، عين الإنسان لابد أن تتحرك باستمرار ليستطيع الإنسان أن يرى الصور، ولو تم تعريض عين الإنسان لصورة واحدة دون أي تغير لعدة ثوان مع ثبات العين دون أي حركة، تتحول الصورة الساقطة على الشبكية إلى اللون الأسود. جرب بنفسك هذا، انظر لصورة واحدة دون أن تسمح لعينك بأن تطرف أو تتحرك على الإطلاق، وستجد أن الدنيا تسود أمامك والعياذ بالله، وهذا ما يحدث لنا جميعاً بعد عدة لقاءات مع الأخوة المتطرفين.

كانت هذه هي بعض صفات الأخ المتطرف.

والآن طريقة التعامل مع الأخ المتطرف:

كيف تتصرف مع الأخ المتطرف

أولاً: لا تدخل مع الأخ المتطرف في مناقشات حول الموضوعات المثبتة في ذاكرته المحروقة حتى لا تضيع وقتك

ثانياً: تجنب استثارة الأخ المتطرف تحت أي ظرف

ثالثاً: قصر وانجز لجل تقفل وتسنكر الدكانة وتروح سليم لأهلك

رابعاً: ادعيله ربنا يشفيه


First Published June 2008

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