Monday, August 12, 2013

If you Think Change is Painful, you can always Rest in Peace

If the Brotherhood’s survival rests on its ability to evolve its doctrine so that it better adapts to the prevailing societal circumstances, will the new generation of Brotherhood leaders — or those of the Freedom and Justice Party — be able to achieve a quantum leap in thought, organizational style and level of transparency, that would transform the Brotherhood into a modern political organization whose existence is harmonious with that of Egypt — or any other nation state for that matter? Will they be able to transcend the period when they were labeled an illegal organization and work within the bounds of legality, as a political party that derives its decisions from within, and is not merely a front, behind which an illegal, secret international network hides?

The answer to this question — and not any protests or sit-ins, no matter how long they can be sustained — will determine the Brotherhood’s fate.

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